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At Stormont in Northern Ireland.

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Q: Where was a historic peace agreement culminated on April 10 1998?
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A historic peace agreement between was culminated on April 10 1998?

northern Ireland, Ireland, and Britain

When was the belfast peace agreement?

Friday the 10th of April 1998.

Is Angola having any wars right now?

No, there has been a peace agreement signed on 04 April 2002. Angola is at peace since then.

Which Prime minister signed the peace agreement for israel?

That depends which peace agreement your talking about. The peace agreement with Egypt was signed by Menachem Begin. The peace agreement with Jordan was signed by Yitzchak Rabin.

What is the Good Friday Agreement?

This is the historic agreement in the Northern Ireland peace process that was signed between the British and Irish governments on 10 April 1998 - which happened to be Good Friday that year. It was also supported in a referendum and only one political party chose to oppose it. Read the full text in the Web Link to the left.

What happened on Good Friday April 10th 1998?

The Belfast Agreement, more commonly called the Good Friday Agreement, was signed in Belfast, as part of the Northern Ireland peace process.

Name of Vietnam peace agreement?

The Vietnam peace agreement is commonly known as the Paris Peace Accords.

What is the content of the peace agreement?

Essential element of agreement

What is the peace talks mean in Northern Ireland?

For many complex, historical reasons, there was a lot of trouble in Northern Ireland, particularly between 1969 and 1994. Peace talks were entered into, culminating in the Belfast Agreement being signed on the 10th of April 1998. It is more commonly known as the Good Friday Agreement, as the 10th of April 1998 was Good Friday. Since it was signed there have had to be other peace talks to help get it implemented.

How did the united states eventually make peace with germany?

The US made peace with Germany by an agreement. This agreement was the treaty affair.

In July 1994 Israel and who signed a peace agreement?

Jordan and Israel signed a peace agreement on July 25, 1994.

What does the word concord mean?

Concord can refer to agreement, harmony, or a state of peace and cooperation. It can also mean a formal agreement between parties.