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Kelly's last stand was at the Glenrowan Inn, Glenrowan, Victoria, Australia. It was there he was finally arrested before his subsequent trial and hanging in Melbourne.
Bushranger Ned Kelly's last stand was at Glenrowan, Victoria.

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How long did Ned Kellys trial last?

two days

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What was ned kelly's life?

ned kellys life was liek a angle in hell

What was the name of ned kellys horse?

Ned Kelly's horse was named Capolilmu (cap-o-lil-moo)thats how you pronounce it!.

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he didn't

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What happened to ned kellys family?

Allah killed them

What was ned kellys fathers name?

Ned Kelly's stepfather was named George King.

Was Ned Kelly ever married?

There is no evidence to suggest that Ned Kelly ever married or had children.

What was the date of ned kellys birth?

Either June 1854 or June 1855

What were ned kellys famous words?

"Such is life, I'll see you where I'm going."