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At some point after his defeat at the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon tried to escape to North America, but the Navy was blockading French ports and stopped him. He finally surrendered and was arrested. Louis XVIII was restored to the throne of France, and Napoleon was exiled to Saint Helena, where he died in 1821.

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At the port of Rochefort is where Napoleon demanded political asylum from the UK.

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Q: Where was Napoleon captured?
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What did Napoleon do when Paris was captured?

He was sent into exile.

What privileges was Napoleon taking in the farmhouse?

the farms provided wellington a base in which to disrupt napoleon's attacks. Attacking columns would come under flanking fire from the farms. if napoleon captured the farms, the threat would be eliminated, and it would also be a good base to launch attacks on wellington's lines

What is Napoleon III's relationship to Napoleon I?

was the first President of the French Republic and the last monarch of France. He was also Napoleon I's nephew. Made president by popular vote in 1848, he undertook a coup in 1851, becoming dictator before ascending to the throne as Napoleon III on 2 December 1852, the forty-eighth anniversary of Napoleon I's coronation. He ruled as Emperor of the French until September 1870, when he was captured in the Franco-Prussian War. He holds the unusual distinction of being both the first titular president and the last monarch of France.was the first President of the French Republic and the last monarch of France. He was also Napoleon I's nephew. Made president by popular vote in 1848, he undertook a coup in 1851, becoming dictator before ascending to the throne as Napoleon III on 2 December 1852, the forty-eighth anniversary of Napoleon I's coronation. He ruled as Emperor of the French until September 1870, when he was captured in the Franco-Prussian War. He holds the unusual distinction of being both the first titular president and the last monarch of France.

Why did Napoleon leave his troops?

He didnt leave it it was taken from him he got defeated and captured at waterloo 1820

When was Napoleon the third's puppet emperor removed from power in Mexico under threat of American intervention?

On 15 May 1867, Maximilian was captured and on 19 June he was executed.

Related questions

Who stopped Napoleon from capturing Moscow?

Nobody. Napoleon captured Moscow.

What did Napoleon do when Paris was captured?

He was sent into exile.

What did the liberals establish after Napoleon III was captured?

The Third Republic

What does napoleon threaten to do to Frederick if captured in animal farm?

He threatens to...RAPE YOUR MOM!!

Was Napoleon's execution the result of the French Revolution?

Napoleon wasn't executed. He was captured by the British and imprisoned on the Isle of Elba, where he died of natural causes.

What Russian capital burned after Napoleon's army captured it?

To deny Napoleon's Army lodging during the Russian winter, Moscow was put to the torch.

What negative things did Napoleon do?

He often pillaged captured cities. He was known to kill prisoners.

Did Napoleon win the Waterloo Battle?

No, he came in a close second, but his army was destroyed and he was neither killed or captured.

When did napoleon bonparte retire from being ruler of france?

He didnt retire he was defeted and captured at waterloo and sent too elba

Napoleon's army captured the island of San Salvador then moved on to occupy Louisiana and close the port of New Orleans.?


Did Napoleon's army captured the island of San Salvador then moved on to occupy Louisiana and close the port of New Orleans?


What privileges was Napoleon taking in the farmhouse?

the farms provided wellington a base in which to disrupt napoleon's attacks. Attacking columns would come under flanking fire from the farms. if napoleon captured the farms, the threat would be eliminated, and it would also be a good base to launch attacks on wellington's lines