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Judas had been betraying Jesus for quite a while during Jesus' ministry, but on the night that Judas actually turned Jesus in, Jesus was first with his apostles at the Passover and Lord's Evening Meal, then in the Garden of Gethsemane.

(John 12:4-6) ". . .But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples, who was about to betray him, said: "Why was it this perfumed oil was not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor people?" He said this, though, not because he was concerned about the poor, but because he was a thief and had the money box and used to carry off the monies put in it."

(Matthew 26:20-25) ". . .When, now, it had become evening, he was reclining at the table with the twelve disciples. While they were eating, he said: 'Truly I say to YOU, One of YOU will betray me'. ......By way of reply Judas, who was about to betray him, said: "It is not I, is it, Rabbi?" He said to him: "You yourself said [it]."

(Matthew 26:36-50)" . . .Then Jesus came with them to the spot called Gethsemane, and he said to the disciples: 'Sit down here while I go over there and pray.' ... And while he was yet speaking, look! Judas, one of the twelve, came and with him a great crowd with swords and clubs from the chief priests and older men of the people. Now his betrayer had given them a sign, saying: "Whoever it is I kiss, this is he; take him into custody." And going straight up to Jesus he said: "Good day, Rabbi!" and kissed him very tenderly....Then they came forward and laid hands on Jesus and took him into custody. "

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Judas went back to the priests with the 3o silver coins and repented. and returned the coins.

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Q: Where was Judas when Pontius Pilate sentenced Jesus to death?
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Are there any surnames in the Bible?

Several surnames are to found in the New Testament, such as Pontius Pilate. The fifth book, Acts of the Apostles, names Porcius Festus, Simeon Niger, Judas and James Barsabbas, Claudius Lysias, and Sergius Paulus.

When did Pontius pilate die?

No one knows for sure. In 178 AD the Greek philosopher Celsus wrote in his anti-Christian book, "Logos Alethes" that evidence that Jesus was not god included the fact that Pilate "did not suffer the fate of Pentheus [for rejecting a god] by going mad or being torn to pieces." Origen, a Christian writer, responded to Celsus by saying that Pilate was not truly responsible for the death of Jesus. This suggests that there was no early tradition of execution or suicide in the second or third centuries. It is known that Pilate was ordered back to Rome around 36 AD to answer charges for alleged crimes he committed in Judea, but Tiberius died before Pilate reached Rome. The crimes Pilate was accused of included an unnecessary massacre of some Samarititanson Mount Gerizem. After serving ten years, and with the transition to a new emperor (Caligula) it is reasonable to assume he was simply discharged from service to the empire and went into retirement.

Why did the roman government feel that Jesus was a threat?

They didn't. In fact the Romans didn't even know who Jesus was and you can be certain that if there was any suspicion about him, the Romans would have their spies watching him. The only Romans that Jesus came in contact with, previous to his Passion, were individuals, not representatives of the state. It was the ruling class of the Jews who believed Jesus to be dangerous and wanted him out of the way. That's why they brought charges against him. When it came time for them to arrest Jesus, the Romans had to have someone (Judas) show them who Jesus was. Pilate himself did not think Jesus was dangerous and tried to get him released from the charges. Pilate only condemned Jesus in order to prevent a riot.

How much did Judas get from the Romans?

Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.

What event is Patrick Henry referring to when he says Suffer not yourselves but to be betrayed with a kiss?

He's referring to Judas betraying JESUS with a kiss. He is referring to Judas betraing Judas with a kiss.

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Jesus Christ, Judas Iscariot. Mary Magdalene, Pontius Pilate, Caiaphas, Annas, Peter, Simon Zealotes, King Herod

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Judas Iscariot was important as he betrayed Jesus with a kiss , and so Jesus was sent to Pilate and then crucified.

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Here you Go! I also added who sings what, if that helps :) *ACT 1* Heaven on their Minds - Judas What's the Buzz - Apostles Strange Think Mystifying - Judas Everything's Alright - Mary This Jesus Must Die - Caiaphas, the Pharisees Hosanna - Disciples Simon Zealotes - Simon, Disciples Poor Jerusalem - Jesus Pilate's Dream - Pilate The Temple - Jesus Everything's Alright - Mary I Don't Know How to Love Him - Mary Damned for All Time/Blood Money - Judas *ACT 2* The Last Supper - Judas, Jesus, and Apostles Gethsemane - Jesus The Arrest - Disciples, Jesus, Judas Peter's Denial - Peter Pilate and Christ - Pilate, Jesus, Pharisees, disciples King Herod's Song - King Herod Judas' Death - Judas Trial Before Pilate - Pilate, Pharisees Superstar - Judas The Crucifixion - Jesus John 19:41 - Jesus

Who did Judas take Jesus to?

According to the account in the Gospel of John, Judas carried the disciples' money bag. He betrayed Jesus for a bribe of "thirty pieces of silver" by identifying him with a kiss "the kiss of Judas" to arresting soldiers of the High Priest Caiaphas, who then turned Jesus over to Pontius Pilate's soldiers

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Jesus was betrayed by Judas. As arranged by Judas and the Jewish leaders, the Romans arrested him. Pontius Pilate condemned him to death (reluctantly, according to Scripture). Roman soldiers led him to the cross and nailed him to it. He was taken down and laid in the tomb by (according to Scripture) Joseph of Arimathea.

Who was the original cast New York 1971 Broadway play jesus christ superstar?

Jeff Fenholtas Jesus, Ben Vereen as Judas and Bob Bingham as Caiaphas. Barry Dennen, Pontius Pilate Yvonne Elliman, the original Mary Magdalene, was also a part of the cast. Kurt Yaghjian sang Annas.

What events lead to Jesus' death?

In the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) the event that triggered the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus was the cleansing of the temple. On the evening of the Passover, Jesus and the disciples celebrated with a ritual meal, known as the Last Supper, then went to the Garden of Gethsemene to pray. Here, Judas betrayed Jesus, who was arrested and taken before the Sanhedrin court then before the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, because the Sanhedrin could not pass a sentence of death. In Luke's Gospel, Pilate sent Jesus to Herod Antipas for sentencing, which Herod refused to do, leaving Pilate to pass sentence.In John's Gospel, the event that triggered the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus was the resurrection of Lazarus, with the pharisees and the priests saying that the whole world is following Jesus. On the evening before the Passover, Jesus and the disciples met for a simple meal and Jesus washed the feet of the disciples. Jesus then went to the brook of Cedron to pray. Here, Judas betrayed Jesus, who was arrested and taken before Annas, then separately to Caiaphas, because the Sanhedrin never met during the hours of darkness. They then took him before the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate for sentencing.

Who are the Jesus Christ Superstar Characters?

Hi! Here are the main characters and brief descriptions: Judas Iscariot - Arguably the main character. He is Jesus' favorite Apostle, but begins to think Jesus has lost sight of the mission. Torn between loyalty to Jesus, who he loves as a brother, and loyalty to their cause, Judas chooses betrayal but regrets it and famously commits suicide. Jesus Christ - He preaches Christian doctrine such as forgiveness and charity, yet has some inconsistencies that causes Judas to doubt him. After being turned in by Judas to the Romans and Pontius Pilate, he is crucified. Mary Magdalene - A disciple in love with Jesus, but truly unsure of what kind of man he really is. She is good friends with Peter. Peter - An Apostle who is threatened into denying Jesus three times, but later regrets it, asking Jesus if the two of the "can start again, please?" Hope this helps! Yay for JCS!!! ^.^

Where was Jesus trailed?

Well he wasen't trailed Judas kissed him while the Jewishleaders were watching he did that as a sign that He was Jesus and they persacuted him

What actors and actresses appeared in Jesus Christ Superstar - Live Arena Tour - 2012?

The cast of Jesus Christ Superstar - Live Arena Tour - 2012 includes: Gerard Bentall as Annas Melanie Chisholm as Mary Magdalane Alexander Hanson as Pontius Pilate Tim Minchin as Judas Chris Moyles as King Herod Michael Pickering as Peter Benedict Smith as Ensemble