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Juan Ponce was a famous cheese grater in the backstreets of France, was known locally for his intense knowledge of cheese and exactly how to grate the perfect loaf. He was born in France at the top of the Eiffel tower after his mother thought if she got close enough to the clouds Jesus would gift her son with the ability to grate cheese.

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Q: Where was Juan Ponce De Leon born and why is he famous?
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Where was Juan Ponce de Leon born?

he wasborn in santervas de camlipo vallidad, spain

What year was juan ponce de leon born?

About the year of 1460

What is the home country of Ponce de Leon?

Was born in Servas, Spain.Spain.

Was juan ponce de leon royal blood?

yes, he was he was born a royal.

Who was Juan Ponce DE Leon's mom name?

Juanita and She was born in, 1479

What is Juan ponce de leon's birthdate?

Juan Ponce de Leon was born in 1474, and he died in 1521. Good Job now get outta here :) I'm just kidding. Bye~

Who was ponce de leons mother?

Juan Ponce de Leon was born in Spain in 1474 and died in Cuba in 1521. His mother was Leonor de Guzman de Silva, and his father was Juan Ponce de Leon, Conde de Arcos.

Is there an answer to where Juan Ponce De Leon was born?

Tierra de Campos Palencia, Spain

What county was Juan Ponce be Leon born at?

Juan Ponce de León was born in the town of Santervás de Campos in the province of Valladolid, which is located in the region of Castile and León, Spain.

Who are the famous personalities born in Region 2?

Juan Ponce Enrile

When is juan ponce de leon's bithday?

he was born around 1460 and 1470. no one is exactly sure

What was the home country of juan ponce leon?

Spain. He was born in Santervas de Campos, Valladolid, Spain.