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Actually his grave is in the bed of the Tisza river in Hungary. There is a book written by Gadonyi Geza, a Hungarian writer and journalist. It is called the Invisible man. In this book he describes in detail the burial of Attila. The town of Szeged, Hungary was the entry point to the seven tribes of Hungarians reclaiming Attila's land in 896. Tisza was blocked off with sand bags at the section where it meets the river Maros. Then hooded followers and his servants took his triple coffin that represented his strength (iron) his wealth and glory (gold) and his affiliation with the Moon and river (silver) and finally the river was released to cover them.

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According to the legend, Attila was buried in three caskets, one inside the other. They were made of gold, silver and iron respectively. The Gold and silver symbolised his regal status and the iron his strength. A treasure with armaments from defeated enemies and precious stones and ornaments, were buried with the coffins.

According to one version of the story, the men who were sent out at night to bury Attila were killed. According to another, he was buried in the steppe and then thousands of horses trampled down the ground around it to conceal its whereabouts. Yest another one suggests that the Tisza River was rerouted over the grave to protect it from robbery, but this one has been seen as of little credibility.

The Tisza raises in Ukraine, flows along the northern border of Romania, crosses western Hungary and joins the Danube in Serbia, north of Belgrade.

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