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She was at Bergen- Belson concentration camp. I think. I'm really sorry if this doesn't help. Good luck with whatever your doing.

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Q: Where was Anne frank when she was 15?
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How old was Anne Frank when she came out of the annex?

Anne Frank was 15

How old was Anne Frank when captured?

Anne Frank was captured by the Nazis at the age of 15.

How long did Anne Frank live for?

anne frank lived for 15 years

What did Anne Frank do when she was 21?

Anne Frank died when she was 15. She never made it to 21.

What age did Anne Frank die at?

Anne Frank died at the age of 15, and from this day, she is 67 years old, after death.

Was Anne Frank married to King Henry?

No, Anne Frank died when she was 15 and never married anyone.

Was Anne Frank 14 when she died?

Anne Frank was 15 years 8 months old when she died.

Was anne frank 16 when she died?

no when she is 15 she died in 15

How old was anne Frank when she did?

she was 15 when she died

How old was Anne Frank when she was discovered?

Anne Frank was 15 years old when she and her family were discovered by the Nazis in their hidden annex in Amsterdam.

What is Anne franks mothers real name?

Anne Frank's real name was Annelies Marie Frank

Does Anne Frank have babys?

No, ANNE frank does not have BABIES She died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp at the age of 15