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This depends on your purpose of tourism. North Vietnam is the most popular of the two destinations.

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Q: Where to go in Vietnam south or north?
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Why did United States go to war with north Vietnam?

To prevent them from conquering South Vietnam.

Where do north Vietnam and south Vietnam stand relationship wise?

There IS no North and South Vietnam, only Vietnam. After the US withdrew combat forces from South Vietnam, North Vietnam violated the peace agreement, invaded and conquered South Vietnam. Game over.

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the north won and the south loss

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The North were the communists. The South was the free republic (of South Vietnam).

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South Vietnam's surrender to North Vietnam is what ended the Vietnam War. The North Vietnamese had the goal of Vietnamese Unification and the surrender of South Vietnam in 1975 allowed them to achieve that objective.

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North Vietnam defeated the South (or the North conquered the South).

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Guerrilla war in South Vietnam '55; conventional war with North Vietnam '64.

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