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Yes, im pretty sure but how for many, i dont know

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Q: Where there any Texans in Pearl Harbor that died?
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Related questions

Who were the kamikaze pilot in Pearl Harbor?

There weren't any kamikaze pilots in the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

What did Pearl Harbor do to the US?

Pearl Harbor gave the US a port safe from almost any storm.

Did pearl harbor have any victory's during the pearl harbor attack?

No they were unable, without weapons and amor how could they

Was there any debate in Pearl Harbor?

well obviously there was because there was an agreement of no intervention with pearl harbor in which was broken with the attack

What were differing perspectives responses to the attack on Pearl Harbor?

People against any forms of violence, generally kept a low profile after Pearl Harbor.

Were there any negative affects of the attack on Pearl Harbor?


Were there any hospitals near Pearl Harbor?

There were hospitals on the base and there is also a hospital about 2 miles from pearl harbor called Tripler Army Medical Center.

Are there any memorials in Hawaii?

Yes, there is a memorial located in Pearl City, it is a memorial for the bombing of pearl harbor.

Why did the US rebuild Hiroshima and Nagasaki after surrender when Japan didn't help repair Pearl Harbor?

You are aware that unlike Pearl Harbor, the American bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was an attack on civilians, yeah? -------------------- Pearl Harbor as any base, house many civilians.

Is Pearl Harbor a memoir?

A memoir is a historical account usually written from personal experience. There are many memoirs that have been written by people who experienced the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor. Perhaps you are thinking of "memorial". Pearl Harbor itself is not a memorial, it is a US Naval Shipyard. There are any number of memorials at Pearl Harbor, the most emblematic being that of the USS Arizona.

Is there any preparations on the attack on pearl harbor?

No preparations for the "aerial attack" were made.

What important event happened in Hawaii in any year?

Pearl Harbor in 1941.