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Q: Where the Russians happy they won World War 2?
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Why it is never said that the Russians won World War 2?

They did not win just did not lose.

How did Americans feel about world war 1 after the war was over?

happy that they won

Are you happy Germans lost at war?

No. I am happy that the Allies won.

How did us get out of second world war?

We won it. We beat Hitler in Europe, with the help of the English, the Canadians, and mostly the Russians. And then we dropped two big bombs on Japan.

Who would have won if Patton had invaded Russia at the end of World War 2?

My answer would have Patton winning. Although the Russians had better tanks, we were the dominate air power and had the advantage in materials. We also had the atom bomb years before the Russians.

Did russia won word war 2?

They certainly helped, any many historians will argue the war may not have been won by the Allies without German losses on the battlefield with the Russians. Russia lost approximately 20 million people in world war 2 as they were under direct attack by Germany

Who won the battle of balaclava?

The Russians won

How has the war gone that Japanese started?

Which war? They won against the Chinese in 1894, against the Russians in '05, and lost against the allies in '45 (WWII).

Who won WW1 and World War 2?

The spiders won world war 2 and it ended 10 trilion years ago

What was the final battle in Europe of world war 2?

The Battle of Berlin when the Russians were bombarding Berlin and Hitler called all boys ages 8-60 into service for their "Fuhrer". and of course the Russians won and Eisenhower saw the transition from Fachism, and the Nazi government to a Reoublic and Democracy

Which nation won World War 1?

World War I was won by Allied!World War I was not won by a single country; rather, it was won by The Allied forces which comprised of France, UK, Russia, USA and Japan.

What were the peoples feelings at the end of world war 2?

Well that Depends on who you want the German people after the war were ashamed and were full of guilt and saw the Concentration Camps and other secrets that Hitler kept from his people. On the other hand the Americans were happy and excited that they had won two wars on both sides of the world and came up as the most powerful superpower in the world. Britten and Russia were the same as America but Russians came home to Destruction and Corruption after the celebrated their victory.