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Answer 1

I am sure most countries in the world will be happy to receive them, and that include my country Malaysia. The Palestinians (both Muslims and Christians) have suffered so much over the years. However I am so sure that the Palestinians would rather die in their own homeland than having to move somewhere new. They are genuine fighters.

Answer 2

I wonder of the question. The Palestinians were living in their lands peacefully with Jews and Christians. When Israel was founded in 1948, it was the UN decree to divide the lands between both. Israel continued its occupation including the UN approved territories for the Palestinians. Then now you ask where the Palestinians (Muslims and Christians) will go? It was not better to ask what the Israelis should do to be fair with the native land people?

Answer 3

I would second Answer 2's curiosity concerning the origin of the question since Palestinians deserve the right to live on their own lands. Many ended up staying on their own lands and the number of Palestinian Israelis has increased every year since Israel's Independence War concluded in 1949. However, many Palestinians did flee the State of Israel and there are over 2 million Palestinian Refugees, so it is worth asking where those refugees should go. Many Palestinians fled to Lebanon and Syria, which have proven to be extremely bad choices. The way that the Lebanese, in particular, have brutalized the Palestinian Refugees is far worse than even the Israeli Occupation. Jordan was marginally better in that it afforded some Palestinians Jordanian citizenship, but the Jordanian monarchy is fearful (and reasonably so) that a substantial Palestinian majority could lead to its overthrow. As a result, Palestinians have regrettable treatment in Jordan.

Probably the best place for Palestinians to go would be the West, especially the United States and Canada if they could swing it. Those countries would treat them less barbarically than all of their neighbors would. Additionally, unlike any Muslim-majority country, Palestinians can apply for asylum in certain Western countries if their situation is severe enough.

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Q: Where should the Palestinians go after creation of Israel?
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Where did Palestinians go when Israel won its independence?

The Palestinians were driven out to occupied territories such as the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Some of them were able to move into surrounding countries but most weren't welcomed there.

Is Israel right in killing Palestine?

It is unclear what "killing Palestine" means. Palestine is landmass and cannot be killed in any current understanding of that term. If "killing Palestine" is meant to mean "killing Palestinians", then no, Israel has no right to arbitrarily kill Palestinians. However, Israel currently finds itself in a situation where Palestinians Militants are attacking Israeli civilians and attempting to penetrate Israeli borders. These violent acts invoke Israel's right to self-defense, which Israel has just like every other nation has. In those cases, Israel has the right to defend itself up to and including the elimination of the threat.

Did Israel conquer Palestine or did Palestine conquer Israel?

It is a difficult question to answer. If we review ancient history, Israel was there 5 thousand years go till about year 0. In early 20th century Israeli was mainly populated by tribes of Arab nations and Israeli settlers, and in 1948 the UN declared a two countries solution in Israel for the Jewish and the Palestinians. Therefore, Israel declared independence - followed up by war declaration from most of the Arab nations around Israel and the Arab tribes living in Israel - later be called Palestinians (by the name of the place - Palestine), Israel won the war while conquering a few areas in Israel. Another reference can be made to the name "Philistines" - which is an ancient word from the bible describing invader tribes from around Israel. Philistines in biblical Hebrew means invaders. Often times, the Palestinians are identified with the Philistines since the Roman Name "Palestine" was derived from the word "Philistine".

How was the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict resolved?

It has not yet been resolved. Israel and Palestine were closest to a long-lasting solution at the Taba Summit in Egypt in 2000 when Ehud Barak conceded on nearly all of the Palestinian requests, but was denied by Yassir Arafat who knew that the remaining concessions that Barak did not make would make the solution untenable for the Palestinians. (The primary issue was that there was no Right of Return for Palestinians to what is now Israel, which is a non-starter with Israel, but most Palestinians will not let go.) Since that time, international focus groups and thinktanks have come up with solutions, but there are too many people who are too unwilling to compromise to implement them.

What is the name of the land Israel and Palestine are fighting for?

Palestinians (Philistines in the Bible) lived in Palestine. Then many Jewish people came and took the farms, cities, and land, and called it Israel. The Palestinians want the invaders to go away. The Israelis want to stay and to expand their small country.

Related questions

Where did Palestinians go when Israel won its independence?

The Palestinians were driven out to occupied territories such as the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Some of them were able to move into surrounding countries but most weren't welcomed there.

Major disagreement between Palestinians and Israel?

The major disagreements between the "Palestinians" and the state of Israel narrow down to two brazen aspects of Israel's behavior in rejection of almost universal world opinion: -- The obstinate insistence of Israel on its right to exist as a Jewish state in the Middle East, and on its unapologetic intention to continue doing so. -- The stubborn refusal of Israel and its people to die in armed conflict, to accept rocketing of their residential areas with a wink and a smile, and in general to relinquish their uppity attitudes and just go away.

Is Israel right in killing Palestine?

It is unclear what "killing Palestine" means. Palestine is landmass and cannot be killed in any current understanding of that term. If "killing Palestine" is meant to mean "killing Palestinians", then no, Israel has no right to arbitrarily kill Palestinians. However, Israel currently finds itself in a situation where Palestinians Militants are attacking Israeli civilians and attempting to penetrate Israeli borders. These violent acts invoke Israel's right to self-defense, which Israel has just like every other nation has. In those cases, Israel has the right to defend itself up to and including the elimination of the threat.

Did Israel conquer Palestine or did Palestine conquer Israel?

It is a difficult question to answer. If we review ancient history, Israel was there 5 thousand years go till about year 0. In early 20th century Israeli was mainly populated by tribes of Arab nations and Israeli settlers, and in 1948 the UN declared a two countries solution in Israel for the Jewish and the Palestinians. Therefore, Israel declared independence - followed up by war declaration from most of the Arab nations around Israel and the Arab tribes living in Israel - later be called Palestinians (by the name of the place - Palestine), Israel won the war while conquering a few areas in Israel. Another reference can be made to the name "Philistines" - which is an ancient word from the bible describing invader tribes from around Israel. Philistines in biblical Hebrew means invaders. Often times, the Palestinians are identified with the Philistines since the Roman Name "Palestine" was derived from the word "Philistine".

What is the name of the first Chief Rabbi of Israel?

That depends how far back you want to go. Before the creation of the modern State of Israel the first Chief Rabbis were:AshkenaziAbraham Isaac CookSephardiYaakov MeirAfter the creation of the State of Israel:AshkenaziYitzhak HaLevi HerzogSephardiBenzion Uziel

Why have Arab governments forbidden Palestinians from leaving their refugee camps and becoming active members and citizens of those other Arab States?

If Arab governments permitted Palestinians to become citizens of their states, it would offer a viable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict especially where refugees are concerned. This would help to legitimize Israel, which is something that the Arab States prefer to avoid. Therefore they allow these refugees and their descendents to suffer needlessly to strengthen their political ploy that Israel needs to go. Unfortunately, Arabs are not critical of this particular government action which expresses inhumanity to their own Arab brethren and prefer to tow the government line and blame Israel for a pitiable situation for which it is not responsible. (This is not to say that Israel does not have concessions to make with regards to Palestine, only that the situation of Palestinians in Arab countries is not within Israel's control.)

How was the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict resolved?

It has not yet been resolved. Israel and Palestine were closest to a long-lasting solution at the Taba Summit in Egypt in 2000 when Ehud Barak conceded on nearly all of the Palestinian requests, but was denied by Yassir Arafat who knew that the remaining concessions that Barak did not make would make the solution untenable for the Palestinians. (The primary issue was that there was no Right of Return for Palestinians to what is now Israel, which is a non-starter with Israel, but most Palestinians will not let go.) Since that time, international focus groups and thinktanks have come up with solutions, but there are too many people who are too unwilling to compromise to implement them.

How was the conflict resolved?

It has not yet been resolved. Israel and Palestine were closest to a long-lasting solution at the Taba Summit in Egypt in 2000 when Ehud Barak conceded on nearly all of the Palestinian requests, but was denied by Yassir Arafat who knew that the remaining concessions that Barak did not make would make the solution untenable for the Palestinians. (The primary issue was that there was no Right of Return for Palestinians to what is now Israel, which is a non-starter with Israel, but most Palestinians will not let go.) Since that time, international focus groups and thinktanks have come up with solutions, but there are too many people who are too unwilling to compromise to implement them.

Why is the US saying Israel is not violating human rights when they are torturing the Palestinians?

Because since Jews are animals, and also Jews are Jews, they are defended by everyone and everything. And America has no guts to go against them (no one does) so they join them.

How has the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict been resolved?

It has not yet been resolved. Israel and Palestine were closest to a long-lasting solution at the Taba Summit in Egypt in 2000 when Ehud Barak conceded on nearly all of the Palestinian requests, but was denied by Yassir Arafat who knew that the remaining concessions that Barak did not make would make the solution untenable for the Palestinians. (The primary issue was that there was no Right of Return for Palestinians, which is a non-starter with Israel, but most Palestinians will not let go.) Since that time, international focus groups and thinktanks have come up with solutions, but there are too many people who are too unwilling to compromise to implement them.

What is the name of the land Israel and Palestine are fighting for?

Palestinians (Philistines in the Bible) lived in Palestine. Then many Jewish people came and took the farms, cities, and land, and called it Israel. The Palestinians want the invaders to go away. The Israelis want to stay and to expand their small country.

When is one direction coming to Israel?

they are a terrible band and u should never go see them btw they are never going to israel