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Define "savages".

Most native groups could be extremely savage, merciless and brutal in warfare; but equally kind and generous to their friends. They were not Christians until some had Christianity forced upon them; they each had their own rules and traditions and were far more independent than Europeans; they lived in close association with their own environment, using food and other resources in a sensible and sustainable way; the Central American societies considered savage human sacrifice, blood-letting and self-torture to be perfectly normal and part of their religion . . . and so on.

Compare any of this with a European medieval battle, an execution by guillotine, the savage civil wars in Europe, the Crusades, religious persecutions in France and England, the savage means used by Henry VIII to end Catholicism in England and you begin to wonder who were really the savages.

The French called all native Americans "sauvages", which really means "wild"; this is an understandable term and reflects the close relationship between native groups and their environments.

"Savages" is a derogatory term that could equally apply to Europeans.

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