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Q: Where kings an queens were buried in Egypt?
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Where queens of Egypt buried in the pyramids?

yes some pyramids where for kings and others queens!

What were eygiptian kings and queens buried with?

TheEgyptians believed in after birth, so they buried their favorite things with the kings and queens of Egypt when they died, as well as things they ne eded. Sometimes they even buried their favourite slavs with them, to help them in the next world.

Are there any kings and queens buried in the pantheon?

There are kings buried in the Pantheon but no queens. Buried there is also a famos artist named Raphael.

Were kings and gueens were buried?

Yes kings and queens were buried and pharaohs were mummified

Who was the pyramid built for?

It was mainly built for the honor of the kings and queens so that when they died they could be buried in it.

Where do queens of Egypt get buried?

They are buried in the Queen's chamber of a Pyramid.

What are Egyptian kings and queens are buried?

inside the pyramid

How many kings and queens does Egypt have?


Who was allowed to be buried in a pyramid?

All the kings and queens and royal family members of Egypt were eligible to be mummified.

What are some Egyptian words that begin with v?

Valley of the Kings is a valley in Egypt where the Pharaohs were buried in ancient Egypt.

What was the greatest or richest city in the early middle ages?

Egypt (kings and queens, and they had great power) or the U.K (kings and queens)

Why was Henry VIII buried in Westminster Abbey?

Because that is where most of the kings and queens of England are buried.