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It's in Timbuktu.

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Q: Where is the center of Islamic learning in West Africa?
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Where is the famous center of learning in Africa?

timbuktu, mali, west afica

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The city of Timbuktu in Mali became the center of Muslim culture in Songhai due to its famous mosques, libraries, and reputation as a center of learning and trade. It was a hub for Islamic scholarship and trade routes in West Africa.

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Which two cities was an important center of trade and learning for the kingdoms of Mali and Songhai in early West Africa?

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Is timbuktu a country?

Timbuktu is not a country. It is a city in Mali, a country in West Africa. Timbuktu is known for its rich history as a center of learning and trade in the region.

Is timbucktwo a city or country?

Timbuktu is a city located in Mali, a country in West Africa. It is known for its historical significance as a center of trade and Islamic scholarship.

What was the main language of government trade and Islamic scholarship in West Africa?

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Which description best characterizes the city of Timbuktu?

Timbuktu is a historic city located in Mali, known for its significance as a center of learning and trade in the past. It is renowned for its Islamic scholarship and ancient mosques, gaining its reputation as a mysterious and remote city. Today, Timbuktu faces challenges related to desertification and economic development.