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a circular canal lying in the substance of the sclerocorneal junction of the eye and draining the aqueous humor from the anterior chamber into the veins draining the eyeball-called also Schlemm's canal, sinus venosus sclerae

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Q: Where is the canal of Schlemm located?
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Related questions

The name of the venous sinuses that drains the aqueous humor is?

The venous sinuses that drain the aqueous humor from the eye are called the Schlemm's canal or the canal of Schlemm. This structure is located in the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye where the cornea and iris meet.

A structure that drains the aqueous humor is the?

A structure that drains the aqueous humor is the trabecular meshwork located in the eye's anterior chamber. This network of tissue helps regulate the flow of aqueous humor out of the eye to maintain proper intraocular pressure.

What happens if the canal of schlemm is blocked such as by tumor or clot?

The canal of schlemm normally transfers 2-3 micro liters of aqueous humor per minute. If the schlemm is blocked by clot or tumor, it results in ocular hypertension.

What structure allows aqueous to dran from the anterior chamber?

The Canal of Schlemm

What drains the aqueous humor from eye?

The aqueous humor is drained from the eye through a network of channels called the trabecular meshwork and Schlemm's canal. This fluid eventually flows into the bloodstream through the small veins in the eye.

Is Aqueous fluid is drained through the canal of Schlemn?

yes. it is constantly filtered and drained through the trabecular meshwork and the canal of schlemm.

Is aqueous fluid is drained through the canal?

The name of this canal in canal of Schlemm. This canal drains the fluid from the anterior chamber of the eye ball. It has got very beautiful three dimensional position in the eye ball.

When did Friedrich Schlemm die?

Friedrich Schlemm died in 1858.

What does the canal of Schlemm do?

The canal of Schlemm is a circular channel in the eye that allows aqueous humor (a fluid within the eye) to drain out of the eye. This drainage helps regulate the pressure inside the eye, which is important for maintaining eye health.

The aqueous humor of the eye is reabsorbed into venous blood through the?

The aqueous humor of the eye is reabsorbed into venous blood through the trabecular meshwork and Schlemm's canal. This process helps maintain the appropriate pressure within the eye, known as intraocular pressure. Imbalance in the production and drainage of aqueous humor can lead to conditions like glaucoma.

How will the obstruction of the canal of Schlemm will result?

Obstruction of the canal of Schlemm can lead to increased intraocular pressure, which may result in glaucoma. Glaucoma can cause damage to the optic nerve and potentially lead to vision loss if left untreated. Treatment may include medications, laser therapy, or surgery to reduce intraocular pressure and prevent further vision loss.

When was Friedrich Schlemm born?

Friedrich Schlemm was born on 1795-12-11.