The address of the Williamson Road Branch Library is: 3837 Williamson Rd. NE, Roanoke, 24012 3331
The address of the Melrose Branch Library is: 2607 Salem Turnpike, NW, Roanoke, 24017 5397
The address of the Raleigh Court Branch Library is: 2112 Grandin Rd., SW, Roanoke, 24015 4014
The address of the Bethune Branch Library is: 206 S. Main Street, Bethune, 29009 0446
The address of the Castroville Branch Library is: 11160 Speegle St, Castroville, 95012 2566
The address of the Keysville Branch Library is: 300 King Street, Keysville, 23947 0805
The address of the Roanoke Branch Library is: 123 East Broad Street, Roanoke, 61561 0657
The address of the Melrose Branch Library is: 2607 Salem Turnpike, NW, Roanoke, 24017 5397
The address of the Gainsboro Branch Library is: 15 Patton Ave. NW, Roanoke, 24016 1927
The address of the Roanoke County Public Library - Hollins Branch is: 6624 Peters Creek Road, Roanoke, 24019 4017
The address of the Roanoke County Public Library - Mount Pleasant Branch is: 2918 Jae Valley Road, Roanoke, 24014 5418
The address of the Raleigh Court Branch Library is: 2112 Grandin Rd., SW, Roanoke, 24015 4014
The address of the Jackson Park Branch Library is: 1101 Morningside St. SE, Roanoke, 24013 2515
The phone number of the Roanoke Branch Library is: 309-923-7686.
The address of the Roanoke County Public Library - Glenvar Branch is: 3917 Daugherty Road, Salem, 24153 1989
The address of the Roanoke County Public Library - Vinton Branch is: 800 East Washington Avenue, Vinton, 24179 2148
The Roanoke County Public Library - Bent Mountain Branch is located at 10148 Tinsley Ln, Bent Mountain, VA. It is situated in the heart of the Bent Mountain community.
The phone number of the Roanoke County Public Library - Hollins Branch is: 540-561-8024.