The address of the Wilder Branch Library is: 7140 East Seven Mile Road, Detroit, 48234 3065
The phone number of the Wilder Branch is: 802-295-1232.
The address of the Wilder Memorial is: 24 Lawrence Hill Rd., Weston, 05161 0038
Douglas married Perry M. Wilder.
Sunset Boulevard is a famous street located in Los Angeles. Sunset Boulevard is also a 1959 film noir starring William Holden and Gloria Swanson. It was directed and written by Billy Wilder.
The phone number of the Wilder Branch Library is: 313-481-1870.
The address of the Wilder Branch is: Main Street, Wilder, 05088 M
The phone number of the Wilder Branch is: 802-295-1232.
The address of the Wilder District is: 207 A Ave E, Wilder, 83676 0128
The address of the Wilder Memorial is: 24 Lawrence Hill Rd., Weston, 05161 0038
Los Angeles
The address of the Wilder Memorial Museum is: Po Box 206, Strawberry Pt, IA 52076-0206
The Little House books were written by Louisa Ingalls Wilder. Her first book was published in 1942. By 1954, the American Library Association created the Laura Ingalls Wilder Award.
The Laura Ingalls Wilder Park in Burr Oak, Iowa is located on the historical site of the Masters Hotel where Laura Ingalls Wilder and her family once lived. It is situated at 3603 236th Avenue, Burr Oak, Iowa 52101.
The Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial in De Smet, South Dakota, is located at 105 Olivet Avenue. It includes the original Ingalls family homestead and several historic buildings associated with Laura Ingalls Wilder's life.
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Mansfield, Missouri, in the town cemetery