The address of the Lithonia-Davidson Branch is: 6821 Church Street, Lithonia, 30058 4420
The address of the Stonecrest Branch is: 3123 Klondike Road, Lithonia, 30038 3409
The address of the Branch Brook Branch is: 235 Clifton Avenue, Newark, 07104 1908
The address of the Harahan Branch is: 219 Soniat Avenue, Harahan, 70123 3931
The address of the Bethune Branch Library is: 206 S. Main Street, Bethune, 29009 0446
The address of the Long Branch Public Library is: 328 Broadway, Long Branch, 07740 6938
The address of the Salem-Panola Branch is: 5137 Salem Road, Lithonia, 30038 2749
The address of the Redan-Trotti Branch is: 1569 Wellborn Road, Lithonia, 30058 5429
The phone number of the Lithonia-Davidson Branch is: 770-482-3820.
The address of the Stonecrest Branch is: 3123 Klondike Road, Lithonia, 30038 3409
The phone number of the Salem-Panola Branch is: 770-987-6900.
The phone number of the Redan-Trotti Branch is: 770-482-3821.
Lithonia, Ga
The address of the Carlton-Carew Ep Foundation Inc is: 5724 Rutland Trace, Lithonia, GA 30058-3205
Lithonia High School in Lithonia, Georgia
Of course! Lisa Nicole "Left Eye" Lopes was buried on April 26, 2002 [a day after her fatal car incident].She was buried in Hillendale Memorial Cemetery which is located in Dekalb County, a section of Lithonia, GA
The motto of Lithonia High School is 'Focused on Achievement and Ready for Success'.
The address of the Matt Wilson High School Class Of 1965 Alumni Association Inc is: 929 Stonemill Manor, Lithonia, GA 30058-8238