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In Jefferson, New Hampshire.

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Who founded New Hampshire and why?

Captain John Mason in 1623 as a fishing village. Mason never saw New Hampshire but his agent David Thompson established the village for him.

How was New Hampshire established?

It was settled as a fishing village.

What is current name of Pennacook New Hampshire?

Penacook, New Hampshire is a village in Concord that was originally called "Fisherville."

Why did Colonists come to New Hampshire?

they came to New Hampshire to fish and trade!

How did New Hampshire first become settled?

It was settled as a fishing village.

How did New Hampshire start?

As a fishing village with the dream of becoming a fishing empire.

Was New Hampshire founded by Roger Williams?

No it was founded as a fishing village by David Thompson.

Why was New Hampshire estabilished?

It was established as a fishing village with the hope that it would become a New World fishing empire.

How did David Thompson establish New Hampshire?

He created a fishing village at present day Rye.

What year was the colony of New Hampshire started?

In 1623 as a fishing village under David Thompson.

What was the reason of founding New Hampshire?

It began as a fishing village and aspired to become a fishing empire.

Who was the first settlement in the colony New Hampshire?

The 1623 fishing village at present day Rye.