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He died from sickness. On January 8, 1941, Baden-Powell died. He was 83 years of age. He is buried in a simple grave at Nyeri within sight of Mount Kenya.

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โˆ™ 11y ago

To be honest I don't know


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Q: Where is Lord Robert Baden Powell buried?
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Why did they call baden Powell lord baden Powell?

He was a member of the British gentry - a Baron.

How many children did Lord Baden-Powell have?

The Baden-Powells had three children, one son and two daughters, Arthur Robert, Betty, and Heather

What year did lord baden Powell die?

Baden-Powell died January, 8 1941 (1941-01-09) at the age of 83.

How many brothers did lord baden Powell have?

Im pretty sure he had 5 brothers- Sir George Smyth Baden-powell, Henry Warrington Smyth Baden-Powell, Augustus- (who died when he was a young man) , Francis, and Baden Fletcher Smyth Baden-Powell and he had 1 sister called Agnes-who originally started off the Girl Guides. He also had 3 other siblings that died after him, at birth.

Where was Robert Baden-Powell born?

Baden-Powellbaptised at St James's on July 8th 1857 as Robert Stephenson Smyth, Baron Baden-Powell of Gilwell (created 1929), became the Founder of the international Scouting Movement, was born on 22 February 1857 at 6 Stanhope Street, (now called 11 Stanhope Terrace) a short walk from S. James' Church. Born on the day people in the US were celebrating the 125th anniversary of the birth of George Washington. He was baptised with the names: Robert Stephenson Smyth after his godfather Robert Stephenson, the famous Civil Engineer (1803-1859). BP was a descendant of Captain John Smith, the principal founder of the first English colony in North America, at Jamestown, Virginia.Lord Baden-Powell, was a lieutenant-general in the British Army, writer, and founder of the Scout Movement.After having been educated at Charterhouse School, Baden-Powell served in the British Army from 1876 until 1910 in India and Africa. In 1899, during the Second Boer War in South Africa, Baden-Powell successfully defended the city in the Siege of Mafeking. Baden-Powell lived his last years in Kenya, where he died in 1941. Baden-Powell House is near by in Bayswater Rd.Father: Baden Powell (professor of geometry Oxford, reverend, d. 1860)

Related questions

How tall was Lord baden Powell?

Robert Baden-Powell was approximately 5 feet and 6 inches.

Who is the founder of scout?

Lord Robert Baden-Powell of Gilwell (1857-1941) started the scouting movement in 1907 so you he was the first scout

In what year did Baden-Powell found Girl Guides?

Lord Robert Baden-Powell and his sister, Agnes Baden-Powell, founded Girl Guides in the United Kingdom in 1910.

Does Lord Baden Powell have children?

Lord Baden Powell has 2 children

Is Lord Baden Powell single?

No, Lord Baden Powell is not single.

How many children does Lord Baden Powell have?

Lord Baden Powell has 2 children

Does Lord Baden Powell have kids?

Yes, Lord Baden Powell has 2 kids.

What was the reason Baden-Powell started scouts?

The founder of Girl Guides is Agnes Baden-Powell, the elder sister of the founder of Boy Scouts, Lord Robert Baden-Powell. When Boy Scouts really caught on and girls showed interest in joining, Robert asked Agnes to start a Scout-like program for girls.

When is Lord Baden Powell's birthday?

Lord Baden Powell was born on February 22, 1857

When was Lord Baden Powell born?

Lord Baden Powell was born on February 22, 1857

Who made scouts a hundred years ago?

Lord Robert Baden-Powell created the scouts and his sister Agnes Baden-Powell was in charge of Girl Guides.

Who started scouts?

Lord Baden Powell