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The Glasses are with the sport shop worker. give him the folder and he gives you the glasses and then go to the gadget room and in the desk there is a idem then grab it. put it on the computer then dig up the pile of snow on ski hill then get the key put it in garys lock then it's done! :) The Glasses are with the sport shop worker. give him the folder and he gives you the glasses and then go to the gadget room and in the desk there is a idem then grab it. put it on the computer then dig up the pile of snow on ski hill then get the key put it in garys lock then it's done! :)

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Q: Where is Gary's glasses in Elite Penguin Force?
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Where do you get the mechanical duster in Club Penguin elite force?

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you go too the gift shop and the the town now go into the EPF then there is a pin hidden there if you dont find it you did the wrong thing or you have too go too the coffee shop sometimes its there

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How do you pass mission 4 on club penguin elite penguin force?

ok what you do is talk to dot and the jet pack guy. then go to the sport shop. give the file to the guy working there. he will give you g's old glasses. put the glasses on and do the eye scan in the gadget room. go in and look for this duster in a table. attach it to your spy gadget. then go to the ski hill and use the mechano duster on the pile of junk. you find a key, then go to the sport shop and put the key in garys room it breaks and that's the end of mission 4.

Where are Garys keys on Club Penguin elite force?

First you have to get the file from the hq, then you show the file to the sports store owner and he will give you glasses. go to gary's entrance to his lab and it will let you in cause you are wearing the glasses. you then take the thing that is sticking out of his desk and you snap it into your spy gadget and use it to uncover the pile of snow by the tubing hill. You then have a key , but when you try to use it on his office door it breaks. You have to get flame to weld it for you by giving him a card that everyone signs to make him happy, then you can get into his office!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is Garys pass on Club Penguin?

Garys password changes every week And you should not bother looking for it its a big waste of time.

What is garys password November 2010 club penguin?

Garys pass for November is clubpenguininventor2010. use it. it works! try it. im not lying!

On Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force how do you get Gs key?

first you have to get the glasses from the sport shop guy then put them on then you do the eye scan thingie you go in and in the drawer in side there is a duster put the duster on your thingie in the top right corner then go to the ski hill use the duster to dust of the pile of snow there you will find a key then go back to the sport shop and put the key in garys rooms key slot the key will break and dot will come ttyl p.s. next you get the black puffle