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It was in New Mexico, not Tennessee

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Q: Where in Tennessee was the first atomic bomb developed?
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Related questions

Which country developed the atomic bomb?

We developed the first working atomic bomb but, GER. made up the idea.

What New Mexico town is known for being the site where scientists developed the first atomic bomb?

The atomic bomb was developed at Los Alamos.

Where was the atom bomb developed?

The atomic bomb was developed under the name of the Manhattan project and researched/ built in Oak Ridge (Tennessee), Hanford (Washington), and Los Alamos (New Mexico).

What did the scientist who developed the atomic bomb believe?

That there was a great danger if Germany did it first.

What is the nationality of the first inventor of the atomic bomb?

J. Robert Oppenheimer, the first director of the Los Alamos Laboratory and a key figure in the Manhattan Project, which developed the atomic bomb, was American.

What happened prior the First Atomic Blast in 1945?

Scientists developed the atom bomb.

When was the first atomic bomb tested in New Mexico desert?

I believe it was Los Alamos Los Alamos was a town, it still is, no city developed the atomic bomb, it was a group of scientists that developed it.

Where in Tennessee was the first nuclear bomb made?

Nowhere. The first atomic bomb was made in Los Alamos, New Mexico. However uranium was enriched in several large plants at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. This site was selected by the Manhattan Project due to the available of low cost electricity from the Tennessee Valley Authority, which was needed to operate the thousands of pumps in the Gaseous Diffusion enrichment process. This uranium was used in the Little Boy bomb (the second atomic bomb detonated, the first atomic bomb used in combat) and at low enrichment levels in the Hanford plutonium production reactor's fuel.

When and where the nuclear bomb invented?

The first atomic bomb was developed during a top secret project in Word War II called "Manhattan".

Who made the first atomic bomb?

The United States

Who make first the nuclear bomb?

Hitler, he wanted to bomb the Whales. In my case, FrankieThe above is a lie:The Americans developed the first Atomic bomb You should WIKI it as it is a very interesting story.

Who developed the project of atomic bomb?

Albert Enistein