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Q: Where in Arizona was the nuclear bomb testing site?
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When did the US get hit by the atomic bomb?

The US has never been attacked with nuclear weapons. Only 2 nuclear weapons have ever been used in war- both were dropped on Japan by the US, and ended WW 2.The US hit itself with plenty in the years of atmospheric nuclear testing from 1945 to 1962. Nevada Test Site shots alone deposited fallout on everyone of the 48 continental states as well as parts of canada and mexico. We even built some small towns within the test site specifically for effects tests to see how badly buildings of different construction and glass would be damaged at various distances.

What is the city site of an atomic bomb?

Nagasaki and Hiroshima

How much power is in a megaton bomb?

A 1 Megaton (million ton) nuclear warhead has the destructive power of 1 million tons of TNT.The measurement comes from the use of TNT's explosive power in quantity. The Trinity test site at Alamogordo, New Mexico, prior to the first nuclear test, was calibrated using TNT prior to the main test.

Why did they invent the nuclear bomb?

The nuclear bomb was invented when it became known that Nazi Germany was actively experimenting with nuclear material to build a possible bomb. Albert Eienstein urged President Roosvelt via a letter signed by him that he the president seriously commence a project to build a nuclear bomb. The project was code named "Manhattan Project". Eventually, some of the same scientist that were in Germany were brought to US where with their help the first bomb was tested. I believe the site is known as Trinity, New Mexico.besides this facts, Einstein left Germany when he saw the military type regime in schools on time not to fall in the hands of the nazi.Leo Szilard invented the nuclear reactor and nuclear bomb in London in 1933, shortly after the neutron was discovered as an improved source of neutrons for experiments. He was also very aware of their potential destructive effects. He was not able to build either at the time because of lack of a suitable material.Otto Frisch discovered that Uranium-235 fissioned when hit by a neutron, producing an excess of neutrons in Berlin in 1938. This was the first material found that made Szilard's invention practical, but it is a very rare isotope and expensive to concentrate.Szilard wrote the letter to FDR in 1942, but had Einstein sign it because his name and reputation were well known. Had Szilard signed it himself FDR might not have seen the significance and done nothing!Enrico Fermi built the first nuclear reactor in Chicago, IL in 1942. It had a peak operating power of half a watt.Los Alamos labs built the first nuclear bomb in Los Alamos, NM in 1945. It was tested at Trinity site, NM on July 16, 1945 with a yield of about 20KTons of TNT.

What was the Trinity Site?

The location of the first explosion of an Atomic bomb.

Related questions

Is Trinity Site the location of the first atomic bomb testing?

Yes, Trinity Site is the location of the first atomic bomb testing. It was the site of the Trinity Test, which was the first detonation of a nuclear weapon on July 16, 1945, as part of the Manhattan Project.

Did area 51 test an atomic bomb?

No, while area 51 is adjacent to the Nevada Test Site no nuclear testing has been done there. It is the site used for testing top secret aircraft.Of course area 51 did receive fallout from many of the above ground nuclear tests at the Nevada Test Site.

How did sandman get his powers?

he was a prisoner who had escaped, so to get away from the police, he jumped over the fence to a bomb testing site, a bomb was set off while he was in the testing site, and the bomb made his d.n.a. mix with the sand under him

Where do countries test nuclear bombs?

Countries conduct nuclear bomb tests in designated nuclear test sites. Some famous locations include the Nevada Test Site in the United States, the Semipalatinsk Test Site in Kazakhstan, and the Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site in North Korea. International treaties like the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty aim to prevent such testing.

What city in northeastern Kazakhstan was the site of nuclear testing?


Is the Nevada test site still testing nuclear weapons?

no tests are currently done

Has a high level of radiation and was used as a nuclear bomb site?

PPG: Eniwetok and Bikini atolls.

Where did testing of the atomic bomb take place?

The atomic bomb was tested at the Trinity site in Alamogordo, New Mexico in 1945.

How far can a nuclear bomb travel?

A gravity dropped nuclear bomb could fall several tens of thousands of feet from bomber to detonation. A ballistic missile's warhead could travel tens of thousands of miles from launch site to detonation.

Polynesia site of nuclear testing by what country?

Bikini atoll, USEniwetok atoll, USChristmas Island, UK

Does a nuclear bomb turn people into dust?

A nuclear bomb can create extreme heat and pressure which can vaporize people near the blast site, turning them into dust. However, the effects of a nuclear bomb also include radiation exposure which can cause further harm and widespread destruction beyond the initial blast area.

Where were the Nuclear bomb demonstration in sixties?

Nevada test site, Marshall Islands, Los Alamos New Mexico are three main test sites. Testing was suspended in the 50's and resumed in '61. They were relegated to underground to reduce hazard risks from fallout.