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Rivers,Streams,and ponds

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Q: Where else does the water form a bulge?
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Where does the water form a bulge?

Rivers,Streams,and ponds

What does the pull of the moon on the ocean create?

The pull of the moon's gravity on the ocean causes the tides. When the moon is over water its pull causes the water to bulge (rise toward the moon) as the Earth rotates below the moon this bulge moves. Wherever the bulge is there's high tide. Everywhere else where the water has been pulled away from to make the bulge is low tide.

What is a bulge in water?


How does a stalctite form?

water and something else

When you overfill your glass with water and theres a slight bulge at the top of the glass you are witnessing the property of water?

Surface tension. This phenomenon is caused by the cohesive forces between water molecules. The surface tension of water allows it to form a slightly raised "bulge" at the top of a glass when overfilled before spilling over.

What causes the bulge in the top of an ice cube?

The bulge at the top of an ice cube is caused by the expansion of water as it freezes. When water freezes, it forms a crystalline structure that pushes molecules apart, leading to the formation of the bulge.

What is a aqueous bulge?

An aqueous bulge is a bulge that occurs in water. There is one on each side of the earth, one facing the moon and the other facing away from the moon, causing tides to occur.

Why do new stars form in the arms of a spiral galaxy and not in the central bulge?

Stars form in all parts of our galaxy - not just the "arms". Stars do indeed form in the central bulge. The vast majority of hot, young, blue stars are formed in the arms, but stars also form in the central bulge as well.

How do you know that the water nearest to the forms a bulge?

Primarily by direct observation. The bulge does however lag slightly behind

How do you know that water nearest to the moon forms a bulge?

Water nearest to the moon experiences a stronger gravitational pull compared to water on the opposite side of the Earth. This causes the water to bulge towards the moon, creating a high tide.

What is a bulge of water along the ocean shore?


How do you know that the water nearest the moon forms a bulge?

Primarily by direct observation. The bulge does however lag slightly behind