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assuming that your question is what jobs are pulleys used for... then the answer is any job that you need to lift something that is heavy.

The pulley give a mechanical advantage when used together with other pulleys to apply more force to move the object

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

pulleys were used at construction sites to lift heavy medal rods

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What is used for lifting?


When two kinds of pulleys are used together what is the system called?

When two or more pulleys are used together it is called a compound pulley system.

What modern inventions have replaced pulleys?

pulleys are actually still used in elevators, cranes, and car lifts. however, they're used with motors.

How did the Romans use pulleys?

The pulley was used by the Romans to move large pieces of equipment and to create buildings. Pulleys were also used in the creation of weapons.

What are two pulleys that are used together?

Movable pully

What are bolt pullers used for?

Pulling gears, pulleys and such.

What are pulleys used in groups called?

block and tackle

Do pulleys only lift heavy things?

No, pulleys can be used to lift heavy or light objects. The mechanical advantage of pulleys allows for an easier lifting process regardless of the weight being lifted.

What are some pictures of pulleys that are used in everyday life?

For that you'll want Google Images, and pulleys,please see link provided.

Do pulleys increase force or redirect the force?

Pulleys can be used to either increase force or redirect the force. A single fixed pulley changes the direction of the force applied, while multiple pulleys in a system can be used to increase the force applied to lift an object.

A set of pulleys is used to lift a piano weighing 1000 newtons the piano is lifted?

You need to know the capacity of the pulleys. The pulleys need a total power of over 1000 newtons, if they do then you should be fine.

What are pulleys used for in woodwork?

To change the position of a piece of wood