

Best Answer

You're probably thinking of San Juan Hill, a little east of the city of Santiago de Cuba.

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Q: Where dos Theodore Roosevelt make his famous charge during the Spanish American war?
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Which president served in the military during the spanish-american war?

Theodore Roosevelt took leave from his government desk job to go to war. His Rough Riders unit and his charge up San Juan Hill in Cuba attracted national attention and was a factor in getting him the vice-presidential nomination.

Who was the president to lead charge up to san Juan hill?

COL Teddy Roosevelt led the charge up Kettle Hill in 1898, during the Spanish-American War of 1898. The newspaper men didn't like the sound of Kettle Hill so they chose the name of the hill top next to it, San Juan Hill. When advertising, the name is very important...that's why Hollywood actors CHANGE THEIR NAMES. During the war, San Juan Hill sounded a lot more romantic than Kettle hill. During the Revolutionary War the same thing occurred; the Battle of Bunker Hill was actually fought on the neighboring hilltop, called "Breed's Hill." Bunker Hill sounded far more romantic than Breed's Hill.

What role did Teddy Roosevelt play in the Spanish-American War?

Theodore Roosevelt resigned his post as Assistant Secretary of the Navy and helped form the 1st US Volunteer Cavalry, known commonly as the "Rough Riders," in 1898 after the outset of the Spanish-American War. After forming the regiment and training the men, he got his unit into battle at the Battle of San Juan Hill, in which the Rough Riders charged Kettle Hill on the San Juan Heights near Santiago, Cuba on July 1, 1898. TR was the Lieutenant Colonel of the outfit, second in command to Colonel Leonard Wood. Interestingly, the 1st Volunteer Cavalry had to leave its horses in Florida to make it to the war at all; the troop transports were completely full and did not have room for the entire unit even without the horses and cavalry accoutrements. For leading the charge on Kettle Hill, Theodore Roosevelt got plenty of good press back home, which helped him in his subsequent bid for Governor of New York, then shortly thereafter, for Vice President of the United States. Roosevelt was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor by President Bill Clinton.

What was thedore Roosevelt's role in the civil war?

No, he did not participate in the actual war because he was a child at the time. He was photographed watching the procession of Lincoln's body at his grandfather's window. His father avoided military service during the Civil War by hiring a replacement to fulfill his commitment. Being a wealthy man, he would have hired someone to fulfill his son's commitment as well if necessary.

What is the famous charge led by Roosevelt?

San Juan Hill

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What were Theodore Roosevelt's exploits as the leader of the Rough Riders during the Spanish-American War?

One of Theodore Roosevelt's exploits as the leader of the Rough Riders During the Spanish-American war was to lead his men on a charge up hill on foot. When the Rough Riders returned, they were heros.

When did Teddy Roosevelt serve?

Theodore Roosevelt organized and led the 1st Volunteer Cavalry Regiment (Army) during the Spanish American War in 1898.

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Theodore Roosevelt for leading the charge up San Juan Hill for which he was awarded then Medal of Honor (but not in his lifetime.)

What war did Teddy Roosevelt serve in?

yes teddy roosevelt was in the spanish American war.he was in charge of teddys roughriders that charged up san juan hill.

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Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt was know as the Rough Rider President after his time in Cuba During the Spanish-American war as a colonel and leader of a group of soldiers known as the Rought Riders.thedor Roosevelt

Did Theodore Roosavelt do anything heroic?

Yes, Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, was known for his heroic actions and accomplishments. He served in the Spanish-American War and led a charge uphill during the Battle of San Juan Hill, which earned him both praise and a Medal of Honor nomination. Roosevelt also played a significant role in environmental conservation and the creation of national parks, demonstrating his commitment to public service and the greater good.

When did Theodore Roosevelt gained a rough and ready image?

The Rough Riders were a cavalry unit conceived by Theodore Roosevelt and formed upon the start of the Spanish-American War in 1898. The unit consisted of people like Roosevelt: a bizarre mix of Ivy-leaguers and western cowboys.

What president was in charge of the construction of the panama canal?

Teddy Roosevelt

How did Teddy Roosevelt become president?

Theodore Roosevelt was William McKinley's Vice-President. When McKinley was assassinated and died on 14 September 1901, Roosevelt was sworn in as President. He became McKinley's running mate because the previous vice-president Hobart died and Roosevelt had acquired national fame for his heroic charge up San Juan Hill during the Spanish American War.

Which us president was a colonel in the Spanish-American War?

Theodore Roosevelt, who was in the Department of the Navy in 1898, resigned to become a colonel in the volunteer cavalry called the Rough Riders, which saw action in Cuba. Following the war (which lasted less than four months), Roosevelt was elected Governor of New York state and selected as the running mate of William McKinley in his reelection campaign in 1900. McKinley won, but was assassinated in September, 1901, making Roosevelt the youngest US President in history.

Which president served in the military during the spanish-american war?

Theodore Roosevelt took leave from his government desk job to go to war. His Rough Riders unit and his charge up San Juan Hill in Cuba attracted national attention and was a factor in getting him the vice-presidential nomination.