Turner is an English name meaning "one who turns or fashions objects of wood, metal or bone on a lathe". What I'm trying to figure out is if it was a name any pirate that lived had
It is a German surname,,,
From a surname website: The surname Hayward is of English origin.
The Philippines, I believe. It is my surname as well.
The surname Reavey is an Irish name.
The surname Nottage originated from England.
It is a German surname,,,
it was pure english surname
Stefanidis is a Greek surname.
D'iorio is an Italian surname.
Castaneda is a Spanish surname.
From a surname website: The surname Hayward is of English origin.
The Amstutz surname originated in Germany.
The Philippines, I believe. It is my surname as well.
The surname Reavey is an Irish name.
The surname Donaldson originated in Scotland.
The surname Chavarria comes from Spain.