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Yes. 3 points for front line duty. 2 points rear area. I think, 1 point for rear support elements.

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Q: Where doctors given same rotation points in Korean war?
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What was the Korean War rotation point system?

A total of thirty-six points was required for a soldier to earn rotation back to CONUS (Continental United States); four points were given for each month in a combat zone, three points for being located between regimental headquarters and emplaced batteries, and two points for rear echelon duty. Although this seemed to be a fair system in that everyone knew when he could expect to return home-e.g. an infantryman could expect to go home if he survived a year at the front-it had its flaws.

Given any three points is there exactly one plane containing them?

Through any three points NOT on the same straight line. If they are all on the same line then that line can act as an axis of rotation for an infinite number of planes containing the three points.

How can doctors tell what area of the brain I'm using?

PET scans or fMRI scans can indicate which portions of the brain are active at given points in time.

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The answer depends on the centre of rotation. Since this is not given, there can be no answer.

What is the right-hand rule for angular displacement?

The right-hand rule for angular displacement states that if you align your fingers in the direction of rotation, your thumb points in the direction of the angular displacement vector. This rule helps determine the direction of rotation or angular displacement in a given scenario.

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What is point -5-2 rotated 90 degrees clockwise?

A transformation, in the form of a rotation requires the centre of rotation to be defined. There is no centre of rotation given.

Have they ever given points on a dunk that was called for charging and was still given the points?

You do not get points on a dunk that was called for charging normally. There may be times when it has been given though.

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Venus rotation about its axis, in which the sun appears to rise in the west and set in the east, is called a retrograde rotation.

What is A transformation that turns a figure about a fixed point through a given angle and a given direction?

A rotation.

What is the name given to the force of the earths rotation?

Centrifugal force.

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A sphere is a solid bounded by the set of all points at a given distance from a given point.