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Europeans are individuals that live on the continent of Europe. Europe is the second-smallest continent by surface area, and is comprised of about 50 countries.

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Q: Where do most europeans live and why?
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Do Europeans live on farms?

Some Europeans do, but most live in towns and cities.

Where do most Western European live?

Politically speaking, most Western Europeans live in Germany. Geographically speaking, most Western Europeans live along the Mediterranean coast.

Most Europeans live in .?

urban areas

How did the Europeans cause civil war in Africa?

Most African civil wars occurred AFTER the Europeans left. The Europeans had in general stopped inter -tribal wars and made Africans live in peace.

Do most Europeans live in big cities or small towns?

Most Europeans live in urban areas, with a majority residing in big cities. However, there are still significant populations living in small towns and rural areas, especially in regions with strong agricultural traditions or natural beauty. Urbanization is a trend that varies across Europe, with certain countries experiencing higher rates of urban living compared to others.

What are europeans?

europeans are people that are born,raised,or live in europe

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Who were the first europeans to live in what is now new york?

Who were the first Europeans to live in Canada?

The first Europeans to reach Canada were the Vikings.

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Where did early Europeans live?

in Europe

Do Europeans hunt?

Some Europeans do, but most don't.

Which northeast port did the most europeans come to the us?

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