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Q: Where did us and british troops attack the German army in 1942?
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United states troops first went to combat against German troops in?

Northern Africa

Site of allied offensive against German forces 1942?

The Russians stopped the Germans at Stalingrad in late 1942 and began their offense that resulted in the capture of the German 6th Army in February 1943.On November 11, 1942, US and British forces landed in wester coasts of North Africa. They began to advance across Africa to attack the German forces from the west as the British began their advance from the east, trapping the Germans at Tunisia.

Soviet city that refused to surrender to German troops during spring 1942?


What is the Soviet city which refused to surrender to German troops during the winter of 1942?


A major battle of world war 2 between british and german forces was fought here in the desert during the fall of 1942?

In the fall of 1942, several significant battles were fought on a patch of sand about 150 miles west of Cairo around a small town by the name of El Alamein. The first battle, in July of 1942, saw a determined German (and Italian) attack beaten back by British (and allied) defenders. The second, in October and November of 1942, saw a determined British (and allied) attack break through and push back the German and Italian defenders in a decisive manner. The retreat of these Axis powers continued over hundreds of miles across North Africa.

In 1942 the us military began field operations against German and Italian troops in?

africa ;)

During the winter of 1942-1943 Russian troops stopped the Germans at where?

German troops were totaly destroyed by the Russians at Stalingrad which eventually caused Germanys fall.

Did the allies attack germany from the west?

After Germany has occupied many countrys, including France and the west of Poland (the east of poland was attacked and occupied by the sovjets), Hitler ordered to attack the russian troops. After german troops occupied the west of Russia, the Russian trups stroke back when the german toops reached Stalingrad. (1942 / 1943) That was the turning point of WWII, because now, germany was in defence. When the russian troops attacks the german troops in the east, the western allies starts to attacks the german trups during the battle of the Normandie. (1944) From now on, Germany was attacked from east and west. On the "Elbe Day"(25. April 1945), Sovjet and US trups met together on the Elbe (it's a river).

Where did the british finally manage to attack the Germans in World War 2?

From the air, with massive bombing raids. From April 1942 the centre of nearly every German city with more that 80,000 inhabitants was reduced to rubble and ashes. At the end of May 1942 Cologne was subjected to the first 1,000 bomber raid.

Did the allies attack Germany from the east and the west?

After Germany has occupied many countrys, including France and the west of Poland (the east of poland was attacked and occupied by the sovjets), Hitler ordered to attack the russian troops. After german troops occupied the west of Russia, the Russian trups stroke back when the german toops reached Stalingrad. (1942 / 1943) That was the turning point of WWII, because now, germany was in defence. When the russian troops attacks the german troops in the east, the western allies starts to attacks the german trups during the battle of the Normandie. (1944) From now on, Germany was attacked from east and west. On the "Elbe Day"(25. April 1945), Sovjet and US trups met together on the Elbe (it's a river).

What topics can you write about the French borders in 1942?

France was occupied by German troops in 1942. There was an internal frontier, the "ligne de démarcation" (demarcation line) between the occupied zone and the free zone (follow links for English articles about these zones and maps). At the end of 1942, the German and the Italian decided to occupy the whole territory.

What happened in 1942 through 1943?

Until the winter of 1942-1943, the German army was victorious in an almost unbroken chain of battlefield successes. Europe lay under German domination. After a successful German advance in summer 1942, the battle for the city of Stalingrad in late 1942 proved a turning point. Soviet forces halted the German advance at Stalingrad on the Volga River and in the Caucasus. After this defeat, German troops were forced on the defensive, beginning the long retreat westward that was to end with Nazi Germany's surrender in May 1945, some three years later.