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The Western Mediterranean.

Tunisia. Carthage was being repeatedly attacked by Numidia (in Algeria) a client state of Rome. When she finished paying her war indemnity, Carthage fought against the Numidians. Rome was worried about Carthage's renewed military power and anti-Roman agitations in Spain and Greece. Rome demanded Carthage to be demolished and rebuilt further inland as an excuse to declare war. Carthage refused. The Romans landed in Tunisia, besieged the city, breached its walls and burned it to the ground.

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Q: Where did the third punic war happen at?
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When did the third Punic War happen?

149 B.C to 146 B.C

When did the First Punic War happen?

In the middle of the Third Century BCE.

When was the third punic war started?

Third Punic War (149 to 146 BC)

What happen to Carthage in the third public war?

I'm assuming that you mean the Punic war. After defeating Carthage in the third Punic war, Rome destroyed the city and symbolically scattered salt around it as a sign that it would never rise up and be a power again.

What year was the 3rd punic war?

Third Punic War (149 to 146 BC) .

Who won the 3rd Punic War?

Rome won the third Punic War. Rome won all three of the punic wars!

What were the events of the punic war?

First Punic War - Rome defeated Carthage. Second Punic War - Rome defeated Carthage. Third Punic War - Rome defeated Carthage.

What Punic war was a defeat for Carthage?

Carthage was decisively defeated by Rome in the Third Punic War .

When were the ''Punic Wars'' held?

First Punic War - 264-241 BCE Second Punic War - 218-201 BCE Third Punic War - 149-146 BCE

What were the wars fought in Rome and Carthage?

The First Punic War, the Second Punic War and the Third Punic War. The word Punic comes from the Latin name for the Carthaginians (punicus, plural punici).

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Third Punic War.

Did the battle of Zama mark the beinning or the end of the Punic War?

It was in the closing stage of the Second Punic War. The Third Punic War came half a century later.