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In The Bible (in a couple of places, including Deuteronomy chapters 6 and 11) G-d tells Moses that Jews should place tefillin on their arms and heads.

It is a traditional Jewish teaching that, like all other "how to's" from the Bible, G-d explained exactly what they were and how to make them to Moses on Mount Sinai when he was up there for 40 days (twice), just as He explained how to slaughter an animal properly (at one point, he says "slaughter the animal the way I taught you," while nowhere in the Bible does it say how), etc.

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Related questions

Why is Tefillin not found on the Sabbath?

Tefillin is not worn on the Sabbath and Jewish holidays.

Is it important to buy Tefillin from Israel?

Yes - the tefillin will have a certificate of authenticity.

Does the tefillin contain anything?

Tefillin contain scrolls that have sections of Torah written on them.

Can you wear tefillin on Shavuot?

No. Tefillin are not worn on holidays, including Shavuot, or on the Sabbath.

Where online can one find images of the Tefillin?

Images of the Tefillin can be found on the Chabad website. There one can see a history of the Tefillin, video clips, and a picture tutorial on the proper way to wear it.

What has the author Robert Alan Hammer written?

Robert Alan Hammer has written: 'Tefillin' -- subject(s): Tefillin

What is the name of the box that Jews place on their foreheads and arms in accordance with Deuteronomy 6 verse 8?

They are called Tefillin (phylacteries). The one on the head is Tefillin Shel Rosh, and the one on the arm is Tefillin Shel Yad.

Where do you see a tefillin?

On Orthodox Jewish men

What is the link between the tefillin and the shema?

The Tefilin is mentioned in Shema as it says: Ukishartem Li'os al yudecha Vi'hayu li'totafos bein ainecha. (Deuteronomy 6:8). And you shall bind them as a sign on your arm and let there be Tefillin between your eyes.This is how Tefillin is related to the shema.

Where are tefillin worn?

On your left biceps and the center of your forehead.

Is the tefillin still useful for Jews today?


What does tephillin mean?

Tephillin / tefillin are black leather boxes containing hand-written passages from the bible written on parchment. They are worn strapped to the arm and head by Jews while saying the morning weekday prayers.For more information see: tefillin" class='external' title="tefillin