The Spanish surname of Maldonado is first found amidst the medieval records of Castile.
It is a German surname,,,
From a surname website: The surname Hayward is of English origin.
The Philippines, I believe. It is my surname as well.
The surname Reavey is an Irish name.
The surname Nottage originated from England.
The proud Spanish surname of Maldonado arises from the medieval kingdom of Castile.
It is a German surname,,,
it was pure english surname
Stefanidis is a Greek surname.
D'iorio is an Italian surname.
Castaneda is a Spanish surname.
From a surname website: The surname Hayward is of English origin.
The Amstutz surname originated in Germany.
The Philippines, I believe. It is my surname as well.
The surname Reavey is an Irish name.
The surname Donaldson originated in Scotland.
The surname Chavarria comes from Spain.