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Most of the strawberries found in grocery stores come from California. So, yeah, North America.

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Q: Where did the strawberries come from north or central America?
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What country do strawberries come from?

Strawberries come from America i think :s

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Which countries do strawberries come from?

Like many of our popular and nutritious foods, strawberries come from the Americas.

Where are strawberries sold and grown from?

Strawberries are grown many places. In the United States, most strawberries come from central Florida and from California.

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Cougars are found in all countries of North, South and Central America. For a range map click on this link.

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All over North, Central, and South America, and some islands in the Carribean.

Where do strawberrys come from?

What we now know as the strawberry is a European-created hybrid between varieties found naturally in North and South America.

Does the word chocolate come from France or Germany or Egypt or Spain or Congo or Portugal or Italy or australasia or south America or china or central America or Malaysia?

It is a word from the Aztec, so from southern North America, or what we would now call Mexico, or northern Central America.

Where did Mexican strawberries originate?

I'm guessing Mexico. Seriously, the term "mexican strawberries" originated from the Pulitzer Prize winning book Lonesome Dove. This term referenced pinto beans.

What did strawberries first origin?

Strawberries were cultivated by the Romans as early as 200 BC. The typical strawberries that we now see in the market actually come from the Americans who have dared to experiment them with two different varieties of strawberries found in North and South America. This new hybrid variety of strawberries was nothing but an outcome of the attempt made by the European horticulturalists to rectify a mistake of taking only female strawberry plants from South America to their labs. They had no other option but to cross them with the North American varieties to get fruits and seeds from the plants that they had brought from South America.

Did the Incas come from south or Central America?

South America.

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North amarica