the English set many ships on fire. then the weather took a bad turn. a violent storm pounded and sank much of the badly damaged spanish armada. the surviving ships fled home to Spain. the English celebrated an important victory.
The Spanish Armada or commonly called the Invincible Armada.
what did they wear on the spanish armada
The Spanish Armada
yes, it was.
spanish amarda
The Spanish Armada was not in Cornwall.
The Spanish Armada or commonly called the Invincible Armada.
She was queen during the Spanish Armada, and she made the spanish armada happen.
what did they wear on the spanish armada
The Spanish Armada
They hit a bad storm and got blown off course. :)
The Spanish Armada failed.
1588 was when the Spanish Armada started.
yes, it was.
The Spanish Armada was the other side.
Enland defeated the spanish armada in 1588
The Spanish Armada.