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King John was excommunicated in England

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Q: Where did the pope excommunicated King John in 1208?
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What was the name of the pope King John quarrelled with?

Pope Innocent III placed the whole of England under an interdict in 1208 when King John refused to appoint the Vatican's nominee Stephen Langton as Archbishop of Canterbury. King John was excommunicated in 1209, but then made big profits from English cathedrals and monasteries after their leaders went into exile. In 1212 it was resolved John decided to accept Langton as a way of getting back in favour before an invasion of France (which turned out a disaster).

What king was excommunicated by the pope?

I am not sure what your question is in reference to but the pope usually limits his powers of excommunication to heretics.

What happened to King John in 1209?

King John was excommunicated by the church [The Pope] in 1209.Excommunicatedmeans the you have done something bad [so can't go to heaven] so is sent to hell.

Who was the pope when Hennry viii was excomunicated?

Pope Clement VII excommunicated King Henry VIII.

Why did the pope shut down the churches because of King John?

The reson the pope shut down all the churches in England was because the 2 of them had an argument on who would be the next Archbishop of Canturbury.This led to the pope (the holyist man at the time) to get angry at King John. The pope then excommunicated (banished) John from all the churches under his power. I really hoped this helped. :) :) :) :) :) ;) ;) ;( ;)

Did King John of England had a good relationship with the church?

Not, really he got excommunicated from the church and he also quarrelled with the pope over who should be archbishop of canterbury. Despite this he made up with the pope who helped in battle latter on.

What action did Pope Gregory VII take against the king in 1076?

Pope Gregory excommunicated King Henry IV while Henry declared the pope deposed. Most of the people seemed to support the actions of the pope and not those of Henry.

Why did pope clement vii excommunicated King Henry VIII?

He Excommunicates King Henry Vii Cuz He LOveess Itt THee shoodet

What action did Gregory vii take against the king in 1076?

Pope Gregory excommunicated King Henry IV while Henry declared the pope deposed. Most of the people seemed to support the actions of the pope and not those of Henry.

What pope excommunicated lorenzo de Medici?

Pope Sixtus IV

How many popes have been excommunicated?

The vile, evil Pope Benedict IX was deposed and excommunicated by Pope Damasus II who was elected to succeed Benedict IX.

What was Pope John XXIII's relation to Freemasonry?

There are some who subscribe to the conspiracy theory that Pope John was a member of the Masons. This is very unlikely as that would have ipso facto excommunicated him from the Church. He did, however, have non-Catholic friends who were members.