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The displaced persons in the internment camps went either to their original countries, to live with relatives elsewhere, and many went to other countries like the United States. Some Jews went to Israel.

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14y ago
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8y ago

After survivors had been given time and help to recover; some tried to go back to their homes, but many went to Palestine, in the hope of creating a Jewish state, many others moved to the United States.

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12y ago

Those who escaped concentration camps normally became partisans, or hid the remainder of the war.

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14y ago

The survivors went back to their hometowns or to the nearby deserted towns.

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12y ago

If it were a family then they would hide until the Germans wouldn't be able to find them.

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11y ago

They went to 'Death Camps' were over 60% were killed in their first two hours there. Over 6 million Jews were killed like this between 1942 and 1944.

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Q: Where did the people who escaped from concentration camps go to?
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Was it easy for people to get into to the concentration camps?

that is abit of a silly question because no one wanted to go to the concentration camps but if the Germans found them they had to go as soon as they arrived they knew that they were going into the camps

Are Mental Hospitals the same as Concentration Camps?

No, concentration camps was where the Germans put the Jewish people and killed them, but mental hospitals are where people with mental illness go that can't live in normal society. Comparing them is an insult to all Jewish people and everyone who loved in the camps.

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neither, they were told to go to villages and generally told exactly how many people they had to kill once they got there.

Which concentration camp did Hannah goslar go to?

Hannah never actually went to a concentration camp. She was sent to two camps, but they weren't concentration camps.

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march in a line probably

Why did Hitler not go to the concentration camps?

because he didnt want the rest of the people find out that he was capturing Jews

How did the Germans transport the Jewish people in to the concentration camps?

by trains. go to the London war museum to check it out

Where did the Jews that got deported to extermination camps go?

They were either murdered or escaped

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What camps did hana brady go to?

Hana Brady went to the camps Terezin and Auschwitz, which were both concentration camps (death camps).