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Martian Luther

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Q: Where did the movement in Christianity called the Reformation begin?
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When did Europeans begin protesting the catholic church so they could form another kind of Christianity?

"The Reformation" was a sixteenth century religious movement led by Martin Luther.

When did the Monastic Movement begin and end?

In Christianity it began with Benedict in the 4th century. It has yet to end.

What conflict caused catholic leaders to begin the Counter Reformation?

The Protestant Reformation led by Martin Luther caused conflict as it challenged the authority of the Catholic Church, prompting Catholic leaders to respond with the Counter Reformation. This movement aimed to address the issues raised by the Reformation and to strengthen the Catholic Church's influence and power.

What country did the reformation begin in?


Where in the ancient world did Christianity begin?

Christianity began with the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which occured in Jerusalem in present day Israel. The movement spread to the region and into what is now Turkey and then into Roman provinces.

What country did the protestant reformation begin?

The Duchy of Saxony (in today's Germany) where Martin Luther initiated the Reformation.

Who made the proteestant reformation begin?

Martin Luther

In which country or region did the religion Christianity begin?

The area now called "the Holy Land"--Israel/Palestine.

What was the country of Christianity?

If you mean where did Christianity begin, it began in Israel.

In what are did Christianity begin?

Christianity began in the 1st century AD in Jerusalem.

In which city did Christianity begin?


When did christianty began?

where did Christianity begin?