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They established stone quarries in the mountains beside the upper Nile, and floated the blocks down the river to the pyramid sites.

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Q: Where did the materials come from to build the great pyramids?
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How long did it take to build the great pyramid at Egypt?

All it takes to Build a pyramid is a little pixie dust and your imagination. with that, anything can come true! I'm KIDDING! it took thousands of slaves and many years to build the pyramids.

Did elephants help build the pyramids?

Nope, Aliens did, don't think so? then show me some Bulletproof evidence that humans did it and I might reconsider it, but as for now, noone has come up with a full answer of how they did it, and the alien theory would explain why they have alien portraits and flying veichle/objects carved on pictures inside the pyramids of Giza.

If pyramids of Egypt were made by mud and sand how come the rain didn't wash them away?

Not all pyramids were made from mud. The earlier pyramids such as the pyramids at Giza were made from stone. Later pyramids were made from mud bricks cased in stone. The stone casing did afford some protection from elements. Many of these pyramids where the casing has been removed or collapsed are often just shapeless heaps of dried mud.

How are pyramids used now?

They are used as a tourist attraction. The insides are kept the way they were found and people come to see the same pyramid that was in ancient Egypt.

What is the difference between ziggurats and pyramids?

yramids and ziggurats both provide archeologists with a great deal of information about the ancient cultures that constructed them. When comparing The Great Pyramids of Egypt with The Ziggurats of Mesopotamia, the differences between them are more apparent than the similarities that they share. The two structures actually only appear to be similar. Both have the general form of a pyramid. Some other similarities shared by these two types of structures can be interpreted from the context of the religions of those who had them erected and what role they served for the society. Among the differences are their intended usage, how they were decorated, their designs, and the materials used in their construction. In order to clearly describe how different these two structures are, I have summarized some information about their designs and the materials used to build them. Contrasts in the decorations of the two types of structures are then discussed. The intended uses of these structures then introduces some similarities in relation to the religious symbolism of the structures. Considered to be among the greatest wonders of the known world, The Pyramids of Egypt were built with exacting precision from granite blocks. The pyramids of the early dynasties were of a more stepped pyramid form, similar in appearance to the ziggurats of Mesopotamia. Advancements in available technologies and construction techniques in the later dynasties of ancient Egypt allowed for pyramids to be constructed with less of a stepping slop. A pyramid has four triangular sides that come together at point on top. It may sound simple, but the designs of the pyramids represent a complex understanding of mathematical principles, such as trigonometry and the Fibonocci series, by the ancient Egyptians. It is believed that in addition to the mathematical understandings represented in the geometric form of the pyramids, an impressively accurate understanding of the earth

Related questions

Where did the materials come from for pyramids?

Limestone was used to build the pyramids.

What materials made up pyramids were did it come from?

Pyramids were mostly made up of Limestone,granite,clay, and some type of mud and sand

Who did the actual labor to build the pyramids?

the farmers did most of the pyramid building come on you learn that in the 6th grade :|

What materials were the fist pyramids built?

The very first pyramids were made of silt. The silt would come down from the upper Nile and the Africans would scoup up the silt and pour it into pyramid shapes. Mud-brick pyramids came after the silt Pyramids. The pyramid at Saqqara was engineered by the great African multi-genius by the name of Imhotep for his Pharoh Djoser in the 3rd dynasty. It is also known as the "Step-Pyramid" because it looks like stairs. It is the worlds first known stone structure and it is still standing today. The Africans built the Pyramids on the Giza plateau (such as the Great Pyramids of Khufu, Kafra, and Menkora would come later.

What geometric shape helped the Egyptians to come up with pi?

the great pyramids did this.

How long did it take to build the great pyramid at Egypt?

All it takes to Build a pyramid is a little pixie dust and your imagination. with that, anything can come true! I'm KIDDING! it took thousands of slaves and many years to build the pyramids.

Where does the materials come from that build the Nintendo Wii?

The Nintendo factory??? (if there is one!!!)

Why did they build pyramids to put mummies and treasure in?

because they were important therefor when they died the Pharaohs wanted them to come back to life

Did the pyramids of Giza come before the vikings?

No. they did not come before them. the Pyramids of Giza come right after the vikings.

How long did it take to build the Djoser pyramid?

All it takes to Build a pyramid is a little pixie dust and your imagination. with that, anything can come true! I'm KIDDING! it took thousands of slaves and many years to build the pyramids.

Why did the limestone come from the river valley where they built the Great Pyramid?

The limestone quarry where they mined the stone for the pyramids had to be relatively close to the pyramids (they could not move the blocks far), and the nearest good stone to be quarried was to be found between the pyramids and the Nile River.

Where did the pyramids with straight sides come from?

they come from egept