The Manticore is not a creature of Greek mythology, but rather, one of Persian.
Mount Peliam
First the Greek, later the Roman culture.
See Website(s): Dallas, TX and "Greek Mythology"
Cassiopeia is a character in Greek Mythology.
Gaia lived on Earth. In Greek mythology, Gaia was the Mother Goddess that gave birth to the Earth and the whole Universe.
The manticore was, in Persian and Greek mythology, a beast with the body of a lion, the tail of a scorpion, and the head of a man.
The minotaur, manticore, Furies etc.
Greek Mythology: Hydras, Lastrygonian Giants, Hellhounds, Cycopes, Furies, Minotaur, Manticore, Sirens, Scylla, Charybdys, Medusa Hindu Mythology: Shurpnakha(demoness), Ravana(evil king)
There is no crackin in Greek Myth.
In India
The minotaur, manticore, Furies etc.
Selene in Greek mythology is a immortal goddess and in mythology there is no recognized calendar.
There is no time-line/chronology in Greek Mythology.
Mount Peliam
on earth, silly! where else would they live
he holds up the sky
In the swamps of Lerna in underworld