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Q: Where did the majority of Quakers who came over to American settlers?
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Where did the majority of Quakers who came over to America settle?

Some Quakers came to North America in the early days settled along the Delaware River.

Why did Quakers come to settle in the American colonies?

they came because they wanted freedom. and they settled in massachusetts.

What were the similarities and differences between the settlers who founded Pennsylvania?

Some of them were coming over to find religious freedom, like the Quakers, while others sought economic opportunities in the New World.

Where did the first European settlers in Pennsylvania come from?

== == The Pennsylvania Dutch settlers came from the Southwestern part of what is now Germany and Northern Switzerland. During the 17th century they fled Europe because they (being Anabaptist) were persecuted.

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Why was new york colony founded and where the settlers came from?

the British King gave it to his cousin the Duke of York, the majority of the people came from england

Why did the Quakers come to North America?

The Quakers came to North America in search of land.

How did the british end up in America?

The majority of the English settlers that came to America were influenced by the travels of Spanish conquistadors and they came with the mission of having religious freedoms.

How many different religions were practiced in the colony of Delaware?

The first European settlers of Delaware were Scandinavian Lutherans and Dutch Reformed. Quakers and Baptists came later. As the colony became dominated by the British, the Church of England (Anglican) became more numerous prior to the American Revolution.

How did the American settlers in the Midwest claim their land?

the settlers who came to the Midwestern U.S. used the land for cattle grazing and for farming

What was the name of a large Native American town used by Native American leaders several hundred years before the English settlers came?

Werowocomoco was the headquarters of the leader, Powhatan. It was used by Indians for several hundred years before English Settlers came.

Why did the Quakers come to the north?

The Quakers came to North America in search of land.