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Q: Where did the harangue meet the pilgrims?
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Can you put harangue in a sentence?

She delivered a harangue about... She responded with a harangue about...

What is a good sentence for the word harangue?

you harangue me.

How do you pronounce harangue?

Harangue is pronounced huh-RANG.

How would you use the word Harangue?

Harangue means to verbally abuse someone, to nag relentlessly.Don't harangue him because of one bad grade.My teacher is going to harangue me because I forgot my homework again.

A sentence with the word Harangue?

He had to write a long harangue on a topic

What was the name of the Indian the pilgrims first met?

Squanto is the first Indian to meet the pilgrims.

Where did the pilgrims from cantebury tales meet?


Which syllable in the word harangue gets the accent?

The accent in the word "harangue" falls on the second syllable - "rang".

What is the meaning of harangue?

A speech addressed to a large public assembly; a popular oration; a loud address a multitude; in a bad sense, a noisy or pompous speech; declamation; ranting., To make an harangue; to declaim., To address by an harangue.

A sentence with harange?

A harangue is a long, forceful speech, usually delivered angrily. An example of a sentence using the word harangue is: When she saw the conditions the animals were living in, she delivered a harangue demanding that people do something to help.

Which tribes did the Pilgrims meet?

The Nauset, an Algonquin tribe.

Who did the narrator meet at the Tabbard?

He met twenty-nine pilgrims.