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The Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC) is an evangelical Christian denomination of more than 750 congregations in the United States and Canada with ministries on five continents

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13y ago

Usually a covenant refers to an agreement with God. You'd have to be more specific if you want a particular one.

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Q: Where did the covenant come from?
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Related questions

When does the sequel to the covenant come out?

The sequel comes out sometime this summer.

What does covenant and combine mean?

Combine means to come together and covenant means a binding agreement

What is the root word of covenant?

The root word of "covenant" is "convenire," which is Latin for "to come together."

What is the davidic covenant and why is it important?

God made a covenant (mentioned in Psalms 89) with David that the Jewish kings would come from his descendants.

Is Jesus Christ the new and everlasting covenant?

Yes, and the covenant is in his blood, as the Scripture says in Hebrews 12 -".22 But ye are come -------- 24. to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than [that of] Abel.

Did Jesus convert?

No Jesus did not convert. The Old Testament tells us of a new covenant that God was giving to the Jewish people in "time to come". When Jesus (the Son of God) came to earth in human form that "time had come" Jesus simply instituted the new covenant. It was the Jewish people who failed to recognize the Messiah and follow Him into the new covenant.

How the church covenant got into the black church?

The covenant should come the bible. It should be what the body of believer live and teach and learn from the word of God and that is to follow the teaching of Jesus Christ.

When does the movie covenant come out on DVD?

It's already out on dvd. It's been out since 2006

When ill the sequel to The Covenant come out?

It will not come out at all. They only made about $20million or so in TOTAL of Box Office sales and DVD sales. This is low for a film that has come to theatres. The Covenant is a great movie and I would like to see #2 but with the low amount made on the first one I dont see a spot for #2.

What was the significance of the halfway covenant?

The Halfway Covenant was made by churches because they felt people were drifting away from their religion. So this Covenant stated that if you come on over and baptize your child and they will get membership to the church. However it was not full membership because they were still not allowed to vote nor accept communion.

How did political covenants influence biblical covenants?

The political covenant is the covenant through the nation. the biblical covenant is the covenant with God. Political influences biblical by having a preface naming the parties of agreement, having historical introduction listings that good things come for the king, the terms of agreement, proclamation of terms, witness of pegan gods, and the curses and blessings that would be given by the gods.

Is the covenant with israel really a peace covenant?

Yes, because a covenant means an agreement with God and the Torah describes an covenant.