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the assualt was at Anzio, Italy on 22 Jan 1944........................

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Q: Where did the allies stage an invasion in janUAry 1944 to try to accomplish an end run around the Gustav line in Italy?
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What body of water did the allies cross during the d-day invasion?

The Allies crossed the English Channel to carry out the D-Day invasion

Why was the invasion of Normandy a good idea?

Yes, the invasion of Normandy was a good idea because the Allies needed to invade Europe to aid there French allies.

What did the invasion of Normandy allow allies to do?

The invasion of Normandy, or D-Day, allowed the allies to get control of the coast of France. This allowed Allies to get a direct path to Germany, and potentially eliminate the dictator, Adolf Hitler.

What was the purpose for the invasion during World War 2?

Be more specific. The German invasion of their neighbors or the Allies invasion of Germany.

What did the allies accomplish through the battle of Normandy?

The Allies accomplished invading Europe and landing thousands of troops and armoured vehicles

What happened January 1940?

During the "sitzkrieg" (phony war) of 1939-1940, there was little military action despite declarations of war by the European Allies and Germany. The German plan for the invasion of Belgium and the Netherlands (Fall Gelb) was discovered by the Allies in January, bad weather delaying its implementation by 4 months (to May 1940) but not effectively changing it. German U-boats were continuing attacks against Allied shipping.In January, 1940, Great Britain began food rationing and nationalized the meat industries.There was Allied aid sent to Finland following a 1939 invasion (the Winter War) by Soviet Russia, which joined the Allies only after the German invasion of June 1941. The Finns surrounded and destroyed two Soviet divisions in the Battle of Raate Road at the beginning of January, before massive reinforcements gave the Soviets the upper hand by March, 1940.

What happened in 1940 January?

During the "sitzkrieg" (phony war) of 1939-1940, there was little military action despite declarations of war by the European Allies and Germany. The German plan for the invasion of Belgium and the Netherlands (Fall Gelb) was discovered by the Allies in January, bad weather delaying its implementation by 4 months (to May 1940) but not effectively changing it. German U-boats were continuing attacks against Allied shipping.In January, 1940, Great Britain began food rationing and nationalized the meat industries.There was Allied aid sent to Finland following a 1939 invasion (the Winter War) by Soviet Russia, which joined the Allies only after the German invasion of June 1941. The Finns surrounded and destroyed two Soviet divisions in the Battle of Raate Road at the beginning of January, before massive reinforcements gave the Soviets the upper hand by March, 1940.

What evevnt ended the allies policy of appeasment?

The invasion of Poland in 1939.

The had secretly helped the Allies with the invasion of the Western front?

French Risistance

What occurred at Normandy on June 29 1944?

invasion of France by allies

On D-day the Allies launched a mammoth invasion across what?


What was the German reaction to success of the D-day invasion by the allies?

they were pist