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because both parties wanted to oppose the warlords and drive the imperialistic powers out of China

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Q: Where did the alliance between communist and nationalist parties in the 1920s take place?
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When communist rule took over china where did nationalist parties take refuge?


The Cominform was established by the Soviet Union to?

The Cominform (Communist Information Bureau) was established after World War II to coordinate actions between Communist parties under Soviet direction.

In the Communist Revolution what were the differences between Communists and Nationalists?

The nationalist and communist work closely together to overthrow the Imperialist once and for all. After they were able to accomplish a republic, encourage a cultural revolution, and illuminate the old social order then they executed A. To adopt Western liberal ideas also known as the May Fourth Movement.

How many political parties were there in Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union?

The Soviet Union only had one Political party, which was the Communist Party.

How did the Soviets divide Europe?

In brief, the Soviets backed communist parties in the countries of Eastern Europe that they had occupied during World War Two, namely Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and East Germany. According to the various treaties agreed between the 'Grand Alliance' (the USA, the Soviet Union and Britain) these countries would have free and fair elections after the Soviet withdrawal. However, the Eastern European communist parties first joined 'national unity' coalitions pre-elections, and the Soviets used their military occupation of the countries to drive out the other parties after political blunders by their opponents (for example in Poland) or rig elections so the communist parties won. This was slightly different in the case of East Germany, where the German Democratic Republic was founded to begin with as a communist dictatorship under virtual Soviet control. Germany had been divided up between the victorious powers after the war, but the goal of reunification was unrealistic so the two sides ended up founding two different states in their areas (The French, British and American zones became the Federal Republic of Germany). This created an 'iron curtain', less dramatically a clear political division, between the closed communist states of Eastern Europe and the capitalist states of Western Europe (with the exception of communist Yugoslavia, which wasn't under as much soviet influence).

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When communist rule took over china where did nationalist parties take refuge?


What two parties formed an alliance in 1923 to drive the imperialist powers out of china?

The nationalist and the cooperation

What happened between the Communists and Nationalists Where did the Nationalists end up?

The two political parties fought a bloody civil war. The nationalist government lost, and retreated to Taiwan. The communist established "People's Republic of China" in place of the nationalist government "Republic of China".

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What is an example of Nationalism?

Do you mean nationalist parties in history, or nationalism as an act? If history, Chiang Kai-shek joined the Chinese Nationalist party in 1918 in their rivalry with the Chinese Communist party under Mao Zedong.

Whats the definition of coalitions?

A coalition is an alliance between two or more people/groups of people. It is usually used when referencing a temporary alliance between political parties.

The Cominform was established by the Soviet Union to?

The Cominform (Communist Information Bureau) was established after World War II to coordinate actions between Communist parties under Soviet direction.

What political parties supported Marxist thinking?

Political parties that have historically supported Marxist thinking include the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Communist Party of China, the Communist Party of Cuba, and the Workers' Party of Korea (North Korea).

What is another name for the nationalist party?

This depends entirely on the country in question. Nationalist Parties are quite different across the globe.

What is the definition of tripartite alliance?

It means an alliance of 3 parties with equal say or rank.

What is the name of the Communist party in Poland?

The Polish Communist Party used to be called the Polish United Workers' Party. In 1989, the party was dissolved and many of its members joined socialist parties such as Social Democracy of the Republic of Poland which in turn became a constituent of the Democratic Left Alliance.

Does brittan have communism?

No it has communist and socailist parties