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Q: Where did the Greeks think the god lived?
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The ancient Greeks worshiped the sea god Poseidon What does this tell you about Greek civiliztion?

Greeks lived in isolated communities.

Who do Greeks think the most important Greek god is?

"Zeus because he is the might god so that is why i think people think Zeus is the most important god?" Zues is the most important god to the Greeks. He is known as "The King of the Gods". Althought there are many other gods who the Greeks worshipped, Zues was the ruler and most powerful of gods.

In honour of which god do historians think the Ancient Greeks held their theatre performances?

God Dionysos

Who did the Ancient Greeks believe was the force of love?

There was a god who is the god of love which I think are aphodite or Apollo one of these is the force of love the Greeks still belive in.

What is the name that the Greeks give to God?

The Greeks had many Gods that lived on MT. Olympus, the most prominent one being Zeus and the others being Hades, God of the underworld, Poseidon, god of the sea, and Athena, wife of Zeus. This religion is dead today.

How was life in the US for Greeks?

The Greeks never lived in the u.s.

What body of water did ancient Greeks live by?

the greeks lived by this natural superstiton , as in other words thier gods , like zues and achilles , the god of fire,beauty,waters,dirt the list goes on , and of coarse their government system , which again was a huge part on their gods .

Who did all Greeks worship as their chief god?

Amon, Re, and later Amon-Re i think. I do know that there was also the 12 Gods of Mount Olympus. *********** Amon Ra, Amon Re etc. were egyptian gods, not greek. Greeks believed in the 12 gods who lived on Mountain Olympus and many other minor deities.

What did the Greek people think the gods were?

The Greeks believed that a god or goddess was a significant being of ultimate power and will.

Where did the greek god hepaestus live?

The Greeks believed that Hephaestus lived on Olympus with the other gods. He was, after all, one of the 12 Olympians. To the Greek colonists in Sicily and, later, to the Romans, he lived under the volcano, Mt. Aetna, at that point colluded with the Roman god, Vulcan.

Did the Greeks invent a type of car?

No the Greeks lived BC. cars did not exist.

Where did the ancient Greeks live?

The ancient Greeks lived in Greece. The normal house was a courtyard with rooms around it. Most Greeks lived near the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and in southern Europe. Some citys they lived in are Athens, Sparta, and Crete. They inspired many cultures from their beliefs.