

Best Answer

Here are all the places that the English colonized:




Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina

The Bahamas



Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland and Labrador


Province of Carolina

Cayman Islands

Connecticut Colony

Cuper's Cove

Cuttyhunk Island

Delaware Colony


English Tangier

Gardiners Island




Jamestown, Virginia

British Leeward Islands

Province of Maine

Province of Maryland

Massachusetts Bay Colony


Mosquito Coast

New Albion (colony)

New Haven Colony

Province of New Jersey

New Netherland

Newfoundland Colony

Province of North Carolina

Province of Pennsylvania

Plantations of Ireland

Plymouth Colony

Popham Colony

Providence Island colony

Province of New York


Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations

Roanoke Colony

Run (island)

Rupert's Land

Territory of Sagadahock

Saint Kitts

Saybrook Colony

Province of South Carolina

South Falkland



Virgin Gorda

Colony of Virginia

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Eugene Kertzmann

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Q: Where did the English seek establish new settlements?
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What vally did the English seek to establish new settlements?

What were Eric the red's motives?

He was looking for new areas to establish settlements.

What did Erick the red hope to find in Greenland?

New areas to establish settlements.

Why did Eric the red go on this voyage?

He was looking for new areas to establish settlements.

What is a settlement etablished by Erik the red in the new world?

Erik the Red didn't establish any settlements in the new world. He established settlements in Greenland. His son, Leif Ericson, established the settlement of Vinland in the new world.

What reasons did the Europeans came to the New World to establish settlements?

Resources. The New world had all the resources and they wanted them. It gave them power as well.

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disease epidemics caused by contact with English fishermen

Why did the English not make permanent settlements in the New World until the 17th century?

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What was the purpose of Eric the Red's journey?

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