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The first sitting of the Australian Federal Parliament was held in the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne which was the only building large enough to house the 14,000 guests. Melbourne was never Australia's capital - just the temporary seat of power. The Parliament was opened by the Duke of Cornwall and York, later King George V, on 9 May 1901.

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From 1901 up until 9 May 1927, Parliament occupied temporary quarters at the Melbourne Exhibition Building, which was the only building in either Sydney or Melbourne large enough to hold it.

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Q: Where did the Australian Parliament meet between 1901 and 1927?
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Why was parliament held in Melbourne prior to Canberra being built?

At Federation, on 1 January 1901, Canberra did not exist as a city or even a town, and it was only surveyed in 1913. The first Australian Parliament following Federation of the states met on 9 May 1901 in the Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne. This was because it was the only building in any Australian city that was large enough to house the entire Australian parliament. From 1901 to 1927, Parliament met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which also sat in the Exhibition Building.

When was the Australian Parliament House opened?

This depends on which Parliament House is meant. The first Australian Parliament following Federation of the states met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which in turn sat in the Exhibition Building. Construction of the first Parliament House in Canberra, which was only ever intended to be temporary, began in August 1923 and the building was officially opened on 9 May 1927. Intended to be temporary, this building actually housed the Parliament until 1988. Construction of the New Parliament House began in 1981, and the House was finally opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 9 May 1988, the anniversary of the opening of both the first Federal Parliament in Melbourne (9 May 1901), and of the Provisional Parliament House in Canberra (9 May 1927).

When was the first Australian Federal parliament opened?

The first Australian Federal Parliament, held in the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne which was the only building large enough to house the 14,000 guests, was opened by the Duke of Cornwall and York (later King George V) on 9 May 1901.

Why was Melbourne Australia's first capital?

Melbourne was never the capital city of Australia. Considerable rivalry existed between Sydney and Melbourne, Australia's two largest cities. For this reason, it was decided that the national capital could not be either city. However, Melbourne was the temporary seat of power in Australia - a fine line of difference. From 1901 to 1927, the Australian Parliament met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which in turn sat in the Exhibition Building. This had to occur whilst the city of Canberra and Parliament House was being built.

When was the Australian Parliament House in Canberra built?

This depends on which Parliament House is meant. The first Australian Parliament following Federation of the states met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which in turn sat in the Exhibition Building. Construction of the first Parliament House in Canberra, which was only ever intended to be temporary, began in August 1923 and the building was officially opened on 9 May 1927. Intended to be temporary, this building actually housed the Parliament until 1988. Construction of the New Parliament House began in 1981, and the House was finally opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 9 May 1988, the anniversary of the opening of both the first Federal Parliament in Melbourne (9 May 1901), and of the Provisional Parliament House in Canberra (9 May 1927).

Related questions

How long did Parliament meet in Melbourne?

26 years; from Federation in 1901 until 1927 when the Provisional Parliament House was opened in Canberra.Parliament sat in melbourne form 1901 until 1927 when it relocated to Canberra.

Why was parliament held in Melbourne prior to Canberra being built?

At Federation, on 1 January 1901, Canberra did not exist as a city or even a town, and it was only surveyed in 1913. The first Australian Parliament following Federation of the states met on 9 May 1901 in the Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne. This was because it was the only building in any Australian city that was large enough to house the entire Australian parliament. From 1901 to 1927, Parliament met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which also sat in the Exhibition Building.

Was Parliament house always in Canberra?

Parliament House has only ever been in Canberra, but Parliament has not only ever met in Canberra. At Federation, on 1 January 1901, Canberra did not exist as a city or even a town, and it was only surveyed in 1913. The first Australian Parliament following Federation of the states met on 9 May 1901 in the Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne. From 1901 to 1927, Parliament met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which in turn sat in the Exhibition Building. On 9 May 1927, Parliament moved to the new national capital at Canberra, where it met in what is now called Old Parliament House.

In which city did the Australian Commonwealth Parliament meet before Canberra?

Prior to the construction of the Australian Parliament House, the Federal Parliament met in Melbourne, capital city of Victoria, for the simple reason that it was the only city with a building large enough to house the parliament.

Who was the Member of Parliament for Southport in 1901?

Edward Marshall-Hall (September 16, 1858 - February 24, 1927) succeeded George Augustus Pilkington as the fifth Member of Parliament for Southport, serving between 1900 and 1906, including the whole of 1901.

Which Australian city acted as Australia's national until the founding of Canberra in 1927?

No city acted as Australia's capital prior to the establishment of Canberra as Federal Capital. Melbourne was where the Parliament met, simply because it was the only city with a building large enough to house the Parliament. However, Melbourne was not regarded as the capital. It was merely the temporary seat of power in Australia - a fine line of difference.From 1901 to 1927, the Australian Parliament met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which in turn sat in the Exhibition Building.

Why did Parliament Start in Melbourne?

The Australian parliament started in Melbourne because, quite simply, Melbourne was the only city with a building large enough to house Parliament. Melbourne was never the capital of Australia. There is a common misconception that, because Melbourne was the temporary seat of government between Federation (1901) and 1927, that it was also the capital. This was not the case, as it was never officially designated the title of Capital - not even temporarily. Australia's two largest cities, Sydney and Melbourne, had been rivals since before the goldrush days. It was therefore decided that the nation's capital should be situated between the two cities. A location was chosen which was 248km from Sydney and 483km from Melbourne. Thus, Canberra became Australia's first, and only, capital city. From 1901 to 1927, the Australian Parliament met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which in turn sat in the Exhibition Building. This had to occur whilst the city of Canberra and Parliament House was being built.

What was Australia's capital city before Canberra'?

It is often thought that Melbourne was the temporary national capital from federation in 1901 until the opening of Canberra in 1927. In actuality, Melbourne was never officially the capital city of Australia, but it was the temporary seat of power in Australia - a fine line of difference. From 1901 to 1927, the Australian Parliament met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which in turn sat in the Exhibition Building. Sydney was never the capital, or even acting capital of Australia.

When did the new Australian parliament house start its construction?

Construction of the New Parliament House in Canberra began in 1981. The House was finally opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 9 May 1988, the anniversary of the opening of both the first Federal Parliament in Melbourne (9 May 1901), and of the Provisional Parliament House in Canberra (9 May 1927).

What was the former capital of Australia?

It is often thought that Melbourne was the temporary national capital from federation in 1901 until the opening of Canberra in 1927. In actuality, Melbourne was never officially the capital city of Australia, but it was the temporary seat of power in Australia - a fine line of difference. From 1901 to 1927, the Australian Parliament met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which in turn sat in the Exhibition Building. Sydney was never the capital, or even acting capital of Australia.

When was the Australian Parliament House opened?

This depends on which Parliament House is meant. The first Australian Parliament following Federation of the states met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which in turn sat in the Exhibition Building. Construction of the first Parliament House in Canberra, which was only ever intended to be temporary, began in August 1923 and the building was officially opened on 9 May 1927. Intended to be temporary, this building actually housed the Parliament until 1988. Construction of the New Parliament House began in 1981, and the House was finally opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 9 May 1988, the anniversary of the opening of both the first Federal Parliament in Melbourne (9 May 1901), and of the Provisional Parliament House in Canberra (9 May 1927).

When and how did Parliament start in Melbourne?

Melbourne was never the capital of Australia. There is a common misconception that, because Melbourne was the temporary seat of government between Federation (1901) and 1927, that it was also the capital. This was not the case, as it was never officially designated the title of Capital - not even temporarily. Melbourne was the only city with a building large enough to house Parliament.Australia's two largest cities, Sydney and Melbourne, had been rivals since before the goldrush days. It was therefore decided that the nation's capital should be situated between the two cities. A location was chosen which was 248km from Sydney and 483km from Melbourne. Thus, Canberra became Australia's first, and only, capital city.From 1901 to 1927, the Australian Parliament met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which in turn sat in the Exhibition Building. This had to occur whilst the city of Canberra and Parliament House was being built.