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Sausages can come from pigs and cows it depends on the meat that is in them beef sausages ( cows ) Bacon sausages ( pig ) Pork Sausages ( pigs ) And Many more

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Q: Where did sausages come from?
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Related questions

What country sausages come from?

sausages come from morocco.......................

Where does sausage come from?

See the link below for a great article Sausages come from the tail of a pig DU ^ BUT SAUSAGES ARENT CURLY!

What color are sausages?

Sausages come in many colors, some are even colored with food coloring.

Can Dinosaurs come back to life with sausages?


Do sausages sizzle on a cold frying pan?

No. The sizzling sound is from the fat contained in the sausages as they come into contact with heat.

What country does pepperoni come from?

Sausages which come from pigs in all countries in the world!

What rhymes with hostages?

"sausage" I guess...

Why did Mexican people come to Australia?

because they wanted to try sausages.

Where does Sausages with roasted pepper polenta come from?

fat fat by tony

How does Clorox bleach affect hot sausages?

It makes worms come out of it.

Where does belony come from?

it refers to sausages from Boulogne boulonse worst poulbotparis

What is the name for a group of sausages?

Er sausages. Er sausages. snatch of sausages