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President Ronald Reagan sent troops to help anti-communist and anti-Marxist trouble to eastern Europe. This happened in the middle of the 1980s.

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Q: Where did reagan send troops to aid and support anti communist and anti marxist groups?
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How did Reagan Doctrine propose to change the thrust of American national security policy?

The Reagan Doctrine was pretty much a return to the ideas of John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State under Eisenhower. Reagan promised that the United States would support any anti-Communist struggle anywhere in the world. That meant economic, political, and military aid.

Who President was influential in bringing about the end of communist rule in Russia?

This was said to be Ronald Reagan, but some would dispute how great his influence was here.

What was not a place where the US took action to support the Reagan Doctrine?

The US did not take action in Venezuela.

Ronald Reagans USSR?

The policy of Ronald Reagan's administration toward the Soviet Union was that the communist type of government was untenable. He believed that the form of government would fail within a few years of his presidency.

Who damaged president Reagan's image while he was in office?

He did most of the damaging himself by admitting that he had no knowledge at all - but should have had - about the so-called Iran-Contra affair: large-scale illegal arms deals with Iran, the proceeds to be used for equally illegal armed support for the anti-communist "Contra" rebels in Nicaragua.Eleven people were finally indicted for illegal dealings, most prominently Col. Oliver North and Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, but many suspect them of simply having taken the blame for President Reagan. All of them were pardoned by the then Vice President George Bush when he became president as Reagan's successor.

Related questions

Who was the President that gave support to anti-communist insurgencies in central America Asia and Africa?

Ronald Reagan

What was the Reagan doctrine?

The Reagan Doctrine aimed to prevent the spread of communism.

In oct of 1983 Reagan ordered an invasion of what Caribbean island to oust the marxist government?

Ronald Reagan ordered an invasion of Granada in 1983.

Why did Reagan want to support the contras?

Reagan wanted to support the Contra in order to prevent the Soviet influence from expanding into Central American. Reagan stood against communism.

Why is President Ronald Reagan called the Great Communicator?

Probably because he is communist.

How did Reagan Doctrine propose to change the thrust of American national security policy?

The Reagan Doctrine was pretty much a return to the ideas of John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State under Eisenhower. Reagan promised that the United States would support any anti-Communist struggle anywhere in the world. That meant economic, political, and military aid.

How did the Reagan Doctrine support conflict in the Middle East?

The Reagan Doctrine stated that the United States would support freedom fighters.

Which was not a place where the US took action to support the Reagan Doctrine?

Venezuela was not a place where the US took action to support the Reagan Doctrine.

Which was not a place where the US took action to support to Reagan doctrine?

Venezuela was not a place where the US took action to support the Reagan Doctrine.

The Reagan administration's major goal in Nicaragua was?

to overthrow the Sandinistas. to prevent Nicaragua from spreading Communist power to overthrow the country's Communist leaders.

Who was the communist leader of the soviet union who signed the inf treaty with president Reagan?

albert gore

Why did Reagan direct US troops to invade Grenada?

To prevent the nation from becoming a communist outpost